





1️⃣最下面有个小互动,一起生文字“WaytoAGI” 回头剪辑到一起

2️⃣这次更新非常适合参加本期video battle 第14期:Video Battle AI 视频挑战-拐点

官方效果:工具教程:Runway Gen-3

Gen-3 Alpha上线了!

具有无限的潜力,可以将您的艺术视野带入生活。创建一个传达场景的强烈提示是生成与您的概念一致的视频的关键。 本文涵盖不同的示例结构、关键字和提示,以帮助您开始使用Gen-3 Alpha。这些只是例子--在将您的想法付诸实践时,不要害怕进行实验。

Prompt Structures 提示结构

Base Prompt 基本提示

当它们遵循一个清晰的结构,将场景,主题和相机运动的细节划分为单独的部分时,它们最有效。 使用以下结构应该有助于在您熟悉Gen-3 Alpha时提供一致的结果:


[camera movement]: [establishing scene]. [additional details]

[相机运动方式] : [场景].[添加细节]



在提示的不同部分重复或强调关键思想可以帮助提高输出的一致性。例如,您可能会注意到,在超高速拍摄中,相机会快速飞过场景。 尝试将提示集中在场景中应该出现的内容上。例如,您将提示输入晴朗的天空,而不是没有云的天空。


# Role: 

# Profile:

# Goals:
Generate an English text-to-video prompt composed of three core parts: camera lens mode or movement, scene, and details. Additional descriptions can include lighting, atmosphere, and character dynamics. The goal is to describe exclusively the visual elements within the frame.

# Skills:
- Accurate usage of film industry terminology
- Rich knowledge in art, visual imagery, literature, and psychology

# Workflows:
1. Design the scene based on user input and compile a list of concrete elements (not necessary to output this list).
2. Generate an optimized prompt based on user input and the concrete elements list.
3. Remove any text that is unrelated to visual elements from the prompt.

# Examples:

## Seamless Transitions
Continuous hyperspeed FPV footage: The camera seamlessly flies through a glacial canyon to a dreamy cloudscape.

## Text Title Cards
A title screen with dynamic movement. The scene starts at a colorful paint-covered wall. Suddenly, black paint pours on the wall to form the word "Runway". The dripping paint is detailed and textured, centered, superb cinematic lighting.

## Camera Movement
A glowing ocean at night time with bioluminescent creatures under water. The camera starts with a macro close-up of a glowing jellyfish and then expands to reveal the entire ocean lit up with various glowing colors under a starry sky. Camera Movement: Begin with a macro shot of the jellyfish, then gently pull back and up to showcase the glowing ocean.

# Parameters: 

# Output Format:
-<Maximum 470-character visual prompt>:

# Initialization:


做了个coze的bot 可以协助写提示词 https://www.coze.cn/s/i6aSN4ao/

Sample Prompts 样品说明

  1. Seamless Transitions 无缝转换
Continuous hyperspeed FPV footage: The camera seamlessly flies through a glacial canyon to a dreamy cloudscape.

测试 by : 对!

  1. Camera Movement 相机移动
A glowing ocean at night time with bioluminescent creatures under water. The camera starts with a macro close-up of a glowing jellyfish and then expands to reveal the entire ocean lit up with various glowing colors under a starry sky. Camera Movement: Begin with a macro shot of the jellyfish, then gently pull back and up to showcase the glowing ocean.

by : 小田

  1. Text Title Cards 文本标题卡
A title screen with dynamic movement. The scene starts at a colorful paint-covered wall. Suddenly, black paint pours on the wall to form the word "Runway". The dripping paint is detailed and textured, centered, superb cinematic lighting.

By 对!

  1. Prompt Keywords 提示关键词


In example, including keywords about skin texture wouldn't be beneficial to a wide angle shot where the camera is not closely focused on a face. A wide angle shot might instead benefit from additional details about the environment. 例如,包括关于皮肤纹理{ skin texture }的关键字对于相机没有紧密聚焦在面部的广角拍摄{A wide angle shot }没有好处。广角镜头可能会受益于环境的其他细节。


Camera Styles 相机样式

Keyword 关键字

Output 输出


Low angle 低角度

Low angle static shot: The camera is angled up at a woman standing in a dense bamboo forest. The light filters through the leaves, creating a pattern of shadows and highlights on her face. She is dressed in traditional Chinese clothing, adding to the serene and cultural atmosphere.

High angle 高角度

High angle sweeping shot: The camera looks down from above a bustling city square filled with people. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the scene and creating long shadows.

Overhead 过头

Overhead static shot: The camera looks down on a traditional Chinese courtyard garden with meticulously arranged plants, ponds, and pathways. The garden is bathed in soft morning light, highlighting the serene beauty of the scene.


Continuous hyperspeed FPV footage: The camera pans across a graffiti-covered urban wall. Suddenly, rainbow-colored paint splatters on the wall to form the word "waytoagi". The dripping paint is thick and bold, centered, with a wild and energetic style. The graffiti background is detailed and textured, and the lighting is diffused, creating a moody and artistic atmosphere.

Hand held 手持

Hand held close-up shot: The camera captures the hustle and bustle of a busy street market, with vendors shouting and people moving around. The slight shake of the camera enhances the sense of being part of the crowd.

Wide angle 广角

Wide angle shot: The camera swoops over a busy marketplace, zooming out to reveal a panoramic view of the surrounding vibrant cityscape under a golden sunset. Dynamic motion, lens flare.

Close up 特写

Close up shot: The camera zooms in on a bee pollinating a vibrant flower, capturing the intricate details of its wings and pollen. Soft backlit, macro cinematography.

Macro cinematography 微距摄影

Macro cinematography: The camera focuses on the delicate movement of an ant carrying a leaf, showing every minute detail and texture of its body and the leaf. Natural lighting, extreme close-up.

Over the shoulder 过肩

Over the shoulder shot: The camera follows a painter creating a vibrant landscape on a canvas, showing brush strokes and mixing colors. Natural light from a nearby window, cinematic atmosphere.

Tracking 跟踪

Tracking shot: The camera follows a runner sprinting through a dense forest trail, capturing the dynamic movement and changing scenery. Continuous motion, natural lighting.

Establishing wide 建立广泛的

Establishing wide shot: The camera surveys the endless expanse of a sandy desert under a scorching sun. Abruptly, a lush oasis emerges in the distance. The camera begins a smooth tracking movement towards it, revealing the clear blue water and vibrant greenery. The diffused lighting softens the harsh desert tones. 建立广角镜头:摄像机在烈日下调查无尽的桑迪。突然,远处出现了一片郁郁葱葱的绿洲。相机开始向它平滑地跟踪运动,揭示了清澈的蓝色海水和充满活力的绿色植物。漫射的灯光柔和了严酷的沙漠色调。

50mm lens 50 mm透镜

50mm lens shot: The camera frames a serene portrait of a young woman sitting by a window, with natural light highlighting her face and subtle background blur. Shallow depth of field, soft lighting.


SnorriCam shot: The camera is attached to a person running through a chaotic city street, capturing their intense facial expressions and the dynamic environment moving rapidly behind them. Dramatic lighting, fast-paced motion.

Realistic documentary 现实主义纪录片

Realistic documentary style: The camera observes a rural village during harvest season, showing farmers working in the fields and the surrounding natural landscape. Unstaged interactions, ambient sounds, natural light.

Camcorder 摄像机

Camcorder style: The camera captures a group of friends at a backyard barbecue, with spontaneous and unsteady movements, showcasing candid moments and interactions. Natural light, nostalgic feel.

Lighting Styles 光源样式

Keyword 关键字

Output 输出

Diffused lighting 漫射照明

Silhouette 剪影

Lens flare 透镜光斑

Back lit 背光

Side lit 侧光

[color] gel lighting [颜色]凝胶照明

Venetian lighting 威尼斯灯饰

Movement Speeds 移动速度

Keyword 关键字

Output 输出

Dynamic motion 动态运动

Dynamic motion: The camera follows a snowboarder racing down a snowy mountain, capturing their swift, fluid movements and the powdery snow spraying around them. High-energy, immersive perspective.

Slow motion 慢动作

Slow motion shot: The camera captures a raindrop falling into a puddle, with each ripple spreading out in slow motion and creating mesmerizing patterns. Soft lighting, detailed focus.

Hyperspeed 超高速


Hyperspeed shot: The camera focuses on a small plant that rapidly grows into a towering tree. The scene starts with a close-up of the plant and then expands to show the full-grown tree. The venetian lighting adds a magical touch.


Timelapse 延时摄影

Timelapse shot: The camera captures a bustling city skyline transitioning from day to night, with buildings lighting up and traffic trails creating dynamic patterns. Smooth transitions, vibrant lighting.

Movement Types 移动类型

Keyword 关键字

Output 输出

Grows 生长

Emerges 出现

Explodes 爆炸

Ascends 上升

Undulates 起伏

Warps 经纱

Transforms 变换

Ripples 涟漪

Shatters 粉碎

Unfolds 展开

Vortex 涡流

Style and Aesthetic 风格和审美

Keyword 关键字

Output 输出

Moody 穆迪

Cinematic 电影

Iridescent 虹彩

Home video VHS 家庭视频VHS

Glitchcore 电子音乐

Text Styles 文本样式

Keyword 关键字

Output 输出

Bold 家族

Graffiti 涂鸦

Neon 霓虹

Varsity 复古字体

Embroidery 刺绣


  1. Static Shot: The camera remains fixed.


  1. Pan: The camera moves horizontally (left or right).


  1. Tilt: The camera moves vertically (up or down).


  1. Dolly: The camera moves towards or away from a subject.


  1. Tracking Shot: The camera follows a subject.


  1. Crane/Jib Shot: The camera moves using a crane or jib arm.


  1. Steadicam Shot: The camera follows smoothly using a Steadicam.


  1. Handheld: The camera moves with natural hand-held motion.


  1. Zoom: The camera zooms in or out.


  1. Whip Pan: The camera rapidly pans, creating a blur.


  1. Rack Focus: The camera shifts focus between subjects.


  1. Dutch Angle: The camera tilts sideways.


  1. Arc Shot: The camera moves around the subject in a circular motion.


  1. Overhead/Bird’s Eye View: The camera is positioned directly above.


  1. Aerial Shot: The camera captures a high vantage point view.


  1. Cinematic Dolly-In, Reverse to Dolly-Out: Start with a dolly-in towards the subject, then reverse to a dolly-out.


  1. 360-Degree Spin: The camera spins 360 degrees around the subject.

360 度旋转:相机围绕拍摄对象 360 度拍摄。

  1. Low-Angle Tracking Shot: A tracking shot from a low angle.


  1. High-Speed Whip Pan: A rapid whip pan between multiple subjects.


  1. Drone-like Aerial to Ground Level: Start with an aerial shot, then smoothly transition to ground level.


  1. Steadicam Sprint: A fast-paced steadicam shot following a sprinting subject.


  1. Vertigo Effect (Dolly Zoom): Simultaneously dolly in and zoom out.


  1. Handheld Follow with Sudden Stop: A handheld shot following a subject that comes to an abrupt stop.


  1. Slow-Mo Pan: A slow-motion pan across a scene.


  1. Reverse Tracking Shot: The camera tracks backward while the subject moves forward.


  1. Timelapse Arc: A time-lapse shot with the camera arcing around the subject.


  1. Over-the-Shoulder POV Tilt: An over-the-shoulder shot with a slight tilt.

过肩 POV 倾斜:略微倾斜的过肩镜头。

  1. Underwater Rise-Up: The camera rises from underwater to above water.


  1. Spin Transition: A spin shot that transitions to a new scene.


  1. Mirror Pan: A pan shot that reflects off a mirror.



大家一起来测 WaytoAGI

By Link羊羊


对于动物:In the snow, a few puppies are playing

[camera movement]: [establishing scene]. [additional details]



By 吉祥

Pull the lens: Factory buildings in industrial areas. The machine stops running, the smoke clears, the word "WaytoAGI" appears on the wall, and the texture and light effects are clear, centered, and powerful

拉镜头: 工业区的厂房. 机器停止运转,烟雾散去,墙上显现出“WaytoAGI”这个词,纹理和光影效果清晰,居中,富有力量感

By 对


By 小田

By 萝卜味儿砒霜

By 阿强

By 山羊

(Gen3出现了一点小bug, 生成视频的时候把提示词“WaytoAGI”中的to遗漏了)



By Ivy

提示语:Handheld camera movement: Dynamic motion captures a man sprinting towards the diverging paths of an underground cavern. As he reaches the crossroads, the camera lingers on his contemplative expression, highlighting the uncertainty of his choice. Additional details include the rugged texture of the cave walls and the dim, flickering light casting long shadows, creating a suspenseful atmosphere.



by 文文

Runway 推出的Gen-3 ,关于拍摄视角的关键词让视频的可控性增强。

Gen-3 灯光效果的关键词

Gen-3 移动速度的关键词

Gen-3 运动类型的关键词

By 康家豪