
3.Be clear & direct 言之有物,直截了当

When interacting with Claude, providing clear and direct instructions is essential for achieving the best results. Think of Claude like a smart but new employee who has no context on what to do aside from what you explicitly tell them. Just as when you instruct a human for the first time on a task, the more you explain exactly what you want in a straightforward manner, the better and more accurate Claude's response will be.


Provide detailed context and instructions 提供详细的背景和指示

To ensure Claude understands your task, provide as much context and detail as possible. Include any specific rules or requirements for completing the task correctly. Consider the following example where we ask Claude to remove personally identifiable information (PII) from a given text:


While this prompt may work for simple cases, it lacks the necessary details for Claude to consistently deliver the desired output. Here is a more detailed and clearly written version.


In this improved prompt, we:


  1. Provide context upfront about the nature of the task 事先提供有关任务性质的上下文
  2. Define what constitutes PII (names, phone numbers, addresses) 定义个人身份信息的内容(姓名、电话号码、地址)
  3. Give specific, enumerated step-by-step instructions on how Claude should carry out its task 给出具体的、逐步列举的指导,告诉克劳德应该如何执行任务
  4. Give guidelines to Claude for how it should format its output 为克劳德提供指导,告诉它应该如何格式化输出

You can also use this technique to control other aspects of Claude's output. For example, by default, Claude often includes a friendly preamble before providing the requested output. If you prefer to receive only the essential information, you can instruct Claude to skip the preamble and get straight to the point.


Here is an example where Claude outputs a preamble:


Here is an example where the prompt asks for Claude to skip the preamble:


By explicitly asking Claude to skip the preamble, you can receive a more concise response that focuses solely on the requested output.


Use numbered lists or bullet points 使用编号列表或项目符号

When providing instructions for complex tasks, consider breaking them down into numbered steps or bullet points. This format makes it easier for Claude to follow the instructions and ensures that all requirements are met.


Here is an example prompt without this technique:


Here is the same prompt with numbered steps:


By presenting the instructions as numbered steps, you will both naturally write with more detail and better ensure that Claude executes its task to your standards.


Be specific about what you want 具体说明你想要什么

If you want Claude to provide a definitive answer or take a specific stance on a topic, make that clear in your prompt. When instructions are vague or open-ended, Claude may provide a more general response.


Here is an example of an open-ended question that causes Claude to equivocate:


Here is the same request, but with a more detailed and nuanced ask that successfully pushes Claude to have an opinion:


The golden rule of clear prompting 明确提示的黄金法则

When crafting your prompts, follow the golden rule of clear prompting: show your prompt to a friend or colleague and ask them to follow the instructions themselves to see if they can produce the exact result you want. If your friend is confused, Claude will likely be confused as well.


Remember, Claude is a powerful tool, but it relies on your guidance to deliver the best results. By providing clear, direct, and well-structured prompts, you can unlock Claude's full potential and achieve your desired outcomes more consistently.
