

20个激发头脑风暴的ChatGPT的Prompt 1. Brainwriting 研究写作:“我们一起为[主题]头脑风暴,尽量写下很多点子,然后我可以在它们的基础上加入相关的想法。请用markdown结构你的回答。” 2. Reverse Brainstorming 反向头脑风暴:“我们为[主题]使用反向头脑风暴 —— 故意提出糟糕的点子可以激发创意并引导我们走向新的方向。” 3. Mind Mapping 思维导图:“请为[主题]创建一个完整的思维导图,从一个中心概念开始,然后向外扩展与其相关的分支。” 4. Assumptions 假设:“列出你对[主题]的假设。然后,你如何挑战这些假设来提出创新的点子?描述你的过程。” 5. SWOT Analysis SWOT分析:“让我们对[主题]进行SWOT分析,考虑内部的优势/劣势和外部的机会/威胁。然后写一个结论进行总结。” 6. SCAMPER SCAMPER法:“使用SCAMPER清单对[主题]进行构思。我们如何替代、结合、适应、修改、用于其他用途、消除或逆转?详细描述你的答案。” 7. Six Thinking Hats 六顶思考帽:“使用六帽方法:红帽是乐观的,黑帽看到的是负面的等等。从不同的思维角度对[主题]进行构思。” 8. Worst Possible Idea 最坏的点子:“故意为[主题]想出很糟糕的点子,以新的方向激发创意。稍微扩展你的答案,解释为什么这些点子不好。” 9. Trigger Words 触发词:“这里有一些随机词:[word1] [word2] [word3]。这些可能如何触发与[主题]相关的新点子?” 10. Questioning 提问:“生成关于[主题]的问题,比如谁、什么、什么时候、在哪里、为什么、怎么样?将问题转化为点子。” 11. Rolestorming 角色扮演:“扮演[用户、顾客、员工]的角度,从他们的观点思考[主题]。我的目标是找到新的改进方法。” 12. Scenarios 场景:“想象一个[主题]的最佳情境:一切都进行得很顺利。现在想象一个最坏的情境:一切都出错了。为每个情境提出点子。” 13. Analogy Thinking 类比思考:“[主题]像什么?找到一个类比,然后基于类比的属性提出点子。解释每一个从这个类比中得出的点子。” 14. Idea Spurring 点子刺激:“基于与[主题]相关的以下点子构思:[点子]。这让你想到了什么?用它作为更多点子的起点。” 15. Concept Fan 概念扩展:“这是与[主题]相关的一个点子:[点子]。从这个概念出发,朝不同的方向展开,生成相关的点子。简要解释每一个新的点子。” 16. Evil Genius 邪恶天才:“假装你是一个针对[主题]的邪恶天才。你会如何破坏它?将你的邪恶计划反向工程成有建设性的点子。” 17. Random Stimuli 随机刺激:“使用这个随机的[物体、引言、图片、歌曲]作为与[主题]相关的新点子的灵感。尝试不太可能的联系。” 18. Headline Writing 标题创作:“为[主题]想出[number]个创意标题或口号 - 然后将它们转化为完整的点子。” 19. Brainstorming Journey 头脑风暴之旅:“想象你正在进行与[主题]相关的旅程。描述你所在的地方,你看到的东西,你遇到的人,你的思考 - 让这个场景激发点子。” 20. Outside Perspectives 外部视角:“引入不同的观点来对[主题]进行构思,并获得新的视角。发展这些不同的观点,简洁地解释为什么在每种情况下它们都是相关的。”


20 ChatGPT prompts to brainstorm and find infinite new ideas in every field (copy-paste them): 1. Brainwriting Prompt: "Let's brainstorm ideas for [topic] by writing down as many ideas as you can, then I can build on them with related ideas. Structure your answer using markdown.” 2. Reverse Brainstorming Prompt: "We will use reverse brainstorming for [topic] - coming up with intentionally bad ideas can spark creativity and lead us in new directions." 3. Mind Mapping Prompt: "Please create a complete mind map for [topic] starting with a central concept and expanding outward with connected branches of related ideas." 4. Assumptions Prompt: "List your assumptions about [topic]. Then, how can you challenge those assumptions to come up with innovative ideas? Describe your journey.” 5. SWOT Analysis Prompt: "Let's do a SWOT analysis on [topic] considering internal strengths/weaknesses and external opportunities/threats. Then write a conclusion to summarize." 6. SCAMPER Prompt: "Use the SCAMPER checklist to ideate on [topic]. How can we substitute, combine, adapt, modify, put to other uses, eliminate, or reverse? Detail your answers." 7. Six Thinking Hats Prompt: "Use the Six Hats method: the red hat is optimistic, the black hat looks at negatives, etc. Ideate on [topic] from different mindset angles." 8. Worst Possible Idea Prompt: "Brainstorm intentionally terrible ideas for [topic] to get the creative juices flowing in new directions. Expand on your answers a little, explaining why these ideas are bad." 9. Trigger Words Prompt: "Here are some random words: [word1] [word2] [word3]. How might these trigger new ideas related to [topic]?” 10. Questioning Prompt: "Generate questions about [topic], like who, what, when, where, why, how? Turn the questions into ideas.” 11. Rolestorming Prompt: "Take on the perspective of a [user, customer, employee] and ideate about [topic] from their point of view. My aim is to find new ways to improve." 12. Scenarios Prompt: "Imagine a best case scenario for [topic]: everything goes right. Now imagine a worst case scenario: everything goes wrong. Brainstorm ideas for each.” 13. Analogy Thinking Prompt: "[Topic] is like what? Identify an analogy, then brainstorm ideas based on properties of the analogy. Explain each idea that follows from this analogy.” 14. Idea Spurring Prompt: "Build on the following idea related to [topic]: [idea]. What does it make you think of? Use it as a jumping off point for more ideas.” 15. Concept Fan Prompt: "Here is one idea related to [topic]: [idea]. Fan out from this concept in different directions to generate related ideas. Explain each new idea in a few words.” 16. Evil Genius Prompt: "Pretend you're an evil genius plotting against [topic]. How would you undermine it? Reverse engineer your evil plans into constructive ideas.” 17. Random Stimuli Prompt: "Use this random [object, quote, image, song] as inspiration for new ideas related to [topic]. Make unlikely connections.” 18. Headline Writing Prompt: "Come up with [number] of creative headlines or slogans related to [topic] - turn them into full ideas.” 19. Brainstorming Journey Prompt: "Imagine you're on a journey related to [topic]. Describe where you are, what you see, who you meet, what you're thinking - let the scenario spark ideas.” 20. Outside Perspectives Prompt: "Bring in different viewpoints to ideate on [topic] and get new perspectives. Develop these different points of view, explaining succinctly why they are relevant in each case."