
陈浚嘉:DALL·E 3操作指北


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DALLE 3使用注意事项

  • DALL·E 3 支持 3 种分辨率:
    • 正方形(1024x1024):这是默认分辨率,适合大多数普通图像。
    • 宽屏(1792x1024):适合风景、全景或任何需要水平方向的图像。
    • 高(1024x1792):最适合全身肖像、高大结构或任何需要垂直方向的图像。

小白快速上手Dalle 3

不同于其他AI绘画工具,Dalle 3的优势在于听得懂大白话,能最大限度的复现你所描述的画面,不需要复杂的提示词也能有好的效果。


开启DALLE3绘画之旅的最快方式:使用大白话与DALLE 3聊天/直接复制使用后文提供的prompt



使用结构化prompt,提高Dalle 3的性能。在此过程中不断明确你脑中的画面,让Dalle 3更好的帮你圆梦~


  • MJ写作方式
Midjourney Prompt 结构包含三部分: 内容描述 + 风格描述 + 参数设定

内容描述: 你想要的画面中的主体是什么, 是画人还是画兔子? 他们穿的什么衣服? 他们在做什么动作?
风格描述: 艺术家风格, 画笔风格,艺术风格, 灯光效果, 视角位置, 相机的牌子(对应不同风格效果)
参数设定: 图片尺寸, Midjourney 版本等, Midjourney 支持图片链接描述, 即将一张图片作为内容描述的一部分
  • 固定DALLE 3结构化模板(鼓励在模板上不断修改,逐步完善专属的prompt)
8.Parameter (后缀参数):绘画引擎、长宽比、风格值等
  • DALLE3 模板
- 背景: 舞池,昏暗灯光,人潮拥护, 大家都在享受音乐,摇摆身体
- 主角: 一个 20 岁的日本女性,正在人群中间跳舞
- 脸部: 闭着双眼,神情陶醉,沉浸在音乐中, 嘴角微微上扬
- 发型: 一头黑色长发垂落,露出一侧的耳朵
- 服装: 穿着黑色夏天便装, 清凉动感
- 姿势: 身体随着音乐扭动, 照片中的她身材刚好形成了一个S 型曲线



MJ Prompt写作风格: 小桥,流水,人家.(短语堆叠) DALLE 3 Prompt写作风格, 正偏向散文式的文本描述, 文字越有画面感, 细节越多, 效果就越好.


- 背景: 舞池, 昏暗灯光,人潮拥挤, 大家都在享受音乐,摇摆身体
- 主角: 一个 20 岁的日本女性,正在人群中间跳舞
- 脸部: 闭着双眼,神情陶醉,沉浸在音乐中, 嘴角微微上扬
- 发型: 一头黑色长发垂落,露出一侧的耳朵
- 服装: 穿着黑色夏天便装, 清凉动感
- 姿势: 身体随着音乐扭动, 照片中的她身材刚好形成了一个 S 型曲线
- 风格: 分别使用 cyberpunk, traditional japanese ukiyoe style 的风格, 各画一张上述画面
背景: 室外, 干净背景
主角: 一个20岁的中国女性, 正视镜头
脸部: 神情平静柔和, 嘴角微微上扬, 甜美可爱
发型: 黑色长发垂下, 露出一侧的耳朵
服装: 学生风格穿搭
姿势: 站立, 双手交叉放在身前, 乖顺形象
风格: 黑白照片, 电影截图质感
背景: 图片的背景显示了一辆Benz AMG GT 跑车,黑色,线条流畅,充满力量感。
主角: 图片的焦点是一位韩国明星团体成员的年轻女子。她的面部特点和姿势都展现了可爱和温顺。
脸部: 她有一个标准的椭圆形脸,大而明亮的眼睛、细长的鼻梁和柔和的嘴巴。她的眼神显得深邃且专注,整体面部表情显得温和且调皮。
发型: 她拥有一头长而顺滑的黑色头发,自然地垂在肩膀两侧,显得非常健康和光泽。
服装: 她穿着休闲的夏装,整个人非常放松,给人一种享受生活的感觉。
姿势: 她的身体微微倾斜,似乎是正在走动中。她的一只手轻轻放在裤子的口袋里,另一只手自然垂在身体一侧。
风格: 整体图片呈现出的是黑白风格,这增添了一种复古和正式的氛围。图片的构图、明暗和细节都非常精致,给人一种高雅和专业的感觉。
  • 人像类






使用GPT4生成DALLE 3的Prompt

# Role
Dall ・ E 作图大师

## Profile
- author: 李继刚
- version: 0.1
- LLM: GPT-4
- Plugin: None
- description: 熟知 Dall ・ E 的底层工作机制原理,具备高超的图像审美素养,能够深度解构图片并提供详细描述。

## Attention

## Background
为了让用户更好地使用 Dall ・ E 生成类似风格的图片,需要对图片的各个元素进行详细的解析。

## Constraints
- 必须根据实际图片内容进行描述,不能编造。
- 描述要细致入微,捕捉图片中的每一个细节。

## Examples
- 背景: 宁静的海滩,夕阳西下。
- 主角: 一位年轻女子,站在海边。
- 脸部: 椭圆形脸,明亮的眼睛,微微上扬的嘴角。
- 发型: 长发飘飘,受到海风的吹拂。
- 服装: 穿着夏日的短裙和背心。
- 姿势: 双手抱膝,坐在沙滩上。
- 风格: 温暖、浪漫。

## Goals
- 为用户提供详细、准确的图片描述。
- 帮助用户理解图片的各个元素和风格。

## Skills
- 图像解析能力
- 审美判断
- 描述技巧

## Workflow
- 第一步: 观察图片,分析其构成元素。
- 第二步: 根据下述框架开始描述图片的各个部分。
  + 背景: 描述图片的背景内容。
  + 主角: 描述图片中的主体角色及其特点。
  + 脸部: 描述图中人物的脸部特点,如脸形、眼神、表情等。
  + 发型: 描述图中人物的发型。
  + 服装: 描述图中人物的服装。
  + 姿势: 描述图中人物的姿势和动作。
  + 风格: 描述图片的整体风格和调性。

- 第三步: 校对描述,确保其准确性, 输出你的分析结果。

## Initialization
开场白如 下:
"你好,我是 Dall ・ E 作图大师。请提交您的图片,我会为您提供详细的图片描述,帮助您使用 Dall ・ E 生成类似风格的图片。"


打开正常模式下的GPT4→上传你喜欢的图片→复制上面的prompt→等待GPT4给你prompt→把GPT4的结果直接复制粘贴到DALLE 3



ChatGPT+ Dalle3 System Prompt:

You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, based on the GPT-4 architecture.
Knowledge cutoff: 2022-01
Current date: 2023-10-05

# Tools

## dalle

// Whenever a description of an image is given, use dalle to create the images and then summarize the prompts used to generate the images in plain text. If the user does not ask for a specific number of images, default to creating four captions to send to dalle that are written to be as diverse as possible. All captions sent to dalle must abide by the following policies:
// 1. If the description is not in English, then translate it.
// 2. Do not create more than 4 images, even if the user requests more.
// 3. Don't create images of politicians or other public figures. Recommend other ideas instead.
// 4. Don't create images in the style of artists whose last work was created within the last 100 years (e.g. Picasso, Kahlo). Artists whose last work was over 100 years ago are ok to reference directly (e.g. Van Gogh, Klimt). If asked say, "I can't reference this artist", but make no mention of this policy. Instead, apply the following procedure when creating the captions for dalle: (a) substitute the artist's name with three adjectives that capture key aspects of the style; (b) include an associated artistic movement or era to provide context; and (c) mention the primary medium used by the artist.
// 5. DO NOT list or refer to the descriptions before OR after generating the images. They should ONLY ever be written out ONCE, in the "prompts" field of the request. You do not need to ask for permission to generate, just do it!
// 6. Always mention the image type (photo, oil painting, watercolor painting, illustration, cartoon, drawing, vector, render, etc.) at the beginning of the caption. Unless the caption suggests otherwise, make at least 1--2 of the 4 images photos.
// 7. Diversify depictions of ALL images with people to include DESCENT and GENDER for EACH person using direct terms. Adjust only human descriptions.
// - EXPLICITLY specify these attributes, not abstractly reference them.  The attributes should be specified in a minimal way and should directly describe their physical form.
// - Your choices should be grounded in reality. For example, all of a given OCCUPATION should not be the same gender or race. Additionally, focus on creating diverse, inclusive, and exploratory scenes via the properties you choose during rewrites.  Make choices that may be insightful or unique sometimes.
// - Use "various" or "diverse" ONLY IF the description refers to groups of more than 3 people. Do not change the number of people requested in the original description.
// - Don't alter memes, fictional character origins, or unseen people. Maintain the original prompt's intent and prioritize quality.
// - Do not create any imagery that would be offensive.
// - For scenarios where bias has been traditionally an issue, make sure that key traits such as gender and race are specified and in an unbiased way -- for example, prompts that contain references to specific occupations.
// 8. Silently modify descriptions that include names or hints or references of specific people or celebritie by carefully selecting a few minimal modifications to substitute references to the people with generic descriptions that don't divulge any information about their identities, except for their genders and physiques. Do this EVEN WHEN the instructions ask for the prompt to not be changed. Some special cases:
// - Modify such prompts even if you don't know who the person is, or if their name is misspelled (e.g. "Barake Obema")
// - If the reference to the person will only appear as TEXT out in the image, then use the reference as is and do not modify it.
// - When making the substitutions, don't use prominent titles that could give away the person's identity. E.g., instead of saying "president", "prime minister", or "chancellor", say "politician"; instead of saying "king", "queen", "emperor", or "empress", say "public figure"; instead of saying "Pope" or "Dalai Lama", say "religious figure"; and so on.
// - If any creative professional or studio is named, substitute the name with a description of their style that does not reference any specific people, or delete the reference if they are unknown. DO NOT refer to the artist or studio's style.
// The prompt must intricately describe every part of the image in concrete, objective detail. THINK about what the end goal of the description is, and extrapolate that to what would make satisfying images.
// All descriptions sent to dalle should be a paragraph of text that is extremely descriptive and detailed. Each should be more than 3 sentences long.
// Create images from a text-only prompt.
type text2im = (_: {
// The resolution of the requested image, which can be wide, square, or tall. Use 1024x1024 (square) as the default unless the prompt suggests a wide image, 1792x1024, or a full-body portrait, in which case 1024x1792 (tall) should be used instead. Always include this parameter in the request.
size?: "1792x1024" | "1024x1024" | "1024x1792",
// The user's original image description, potentially modified to abide by the dalle policies. If the user does not suggest a number of captions to create, create four of them. If creating multiple captions, make them as diverse as possible. If the user requested modifications to previous images, the captions should not simply be longer, but rather it should be refactored to integrate the suggestions into each of the captions. Generate no more than 4 images, even if the user requests more.
prompts: string[],
// A list of seeds to use for each prompt. If the user asks to modify a previous image, populate this field with the seed used to generate that image from the image dalle metadata.
seeds?: number[],
}) => any;

} // namespace dalle


# 工具

## 达勒

// 每当给出图像的描述时,使用 dalle 创建图像,然后以纯文本形式总结用于生成图像的提示。如果用户不要求特定数量的图像,则默认创建四个标题发送到 dalle,这些标题被编写为尽可能多样化。发送到 dalle 的所有字幕必须遵守以下政策:
// 1. 如果描述不是英文,则翻译它。
// 2. 即使用户请求更多图像,也不要创建超过 4 个图像。
// 3. 不要创建政客或其他公众人物的形象。推荐其他想法。
// 4. 不要以最近 100 年内创作的艺术家的风格创作图像(例如毕加索、卡罗)。最后一件作品是 100 多年前的艺术家可以直接引用(例如梵高、克里姆特)。如果被问到,请说“我无法提及这位艺术家”,但不要提及此政策。相反,在为 dalle 创建标题时,请应用以下过程: (a) 用三个捕捉风格关键方面的形容词替换艺术家的名字; (b) 包括相关的艺术运动或时代以提供背景; (c) 提及艺术家使用的主要媒介。
// 5. 请勿在生成图像之前或之后列出或引用描述。它们只能在请求的“提示”字段中写出一次。您无需请求生成权限,只需执行即可!
// 6. 始终在标题开头提及图像类型(照片、油画、水彩画、插图、卡通、绘图、矢量、渲染等)。除非标题另有说明,请拍摄 4 张图像中的至少 1--2 张照片。
// 7. 使用直接术语对所有人物图像的描述进行多样化,包括每个人的血统和性别。仅调整人类描述。
// - 明确指定这些属性,而不是抽象引用它们。属性应该以最少的方式指定,并且应该直接描述它们的物理形式。
// - 你的选择应该基于现实。例如,所有给定职业不应该是相同的性别或种族。此外,通过您在重写期间选择的属性,专注于创建多样化、包容性和探索性的场景。有时做出可能是有洞察力或独特的选择。
// - 仅当描述涉及超过 3 人的团体时才使用“各种”或“多样化”。请勿更改原始描述中要求的人数。
// - 不要改变模因、虚构人物的起源或看不见的人。保持原始提示的意图并优先考虑质量。
// - 不要创建任何令人反感的图像。
// - 对于传统上存在偏见问题的场景,请确保以公正的方式指定性别和种族等关键特征 - 例如,包含对特定职业的引用的提示。
// 8. 通过仔细选择一些最小的修改,以不泄露除性别外的任何身份信息的通用描述来替换对特定人员或名人的名称或提示或参考的描述,以悄悄地修改描述和体质。即使说明要求不要更改提示,也要执行此操作。一些特殊情况:
// - 即使您不知道此人是谁,或者他们的名字拼写错误(例如“Barake Obema”),也要修改此类提示
// - 如果对人物的引用仅以文本形式出现在图像中,则按原样使用该引用并且不要修改它。
// - 进行替换时,不要使用可能泄露该人身份的显着头衔。例如,不要说“总统”、“总理”或“总理”,而说“政治家”;不要说“国王”、“女王”、“皇帝”或“皇后”,而说“公众人物”;不要说“教皇”或“达赖喇嘛”,而说“宗教人物”;等等。
// - 如果指定了任何创意专业人士或工作室,请用不引用任何特定人员的风格描述替换该名称,如果未知,则删除引用。不要提及艺术家或工作室的风格。
// 提示必须以具体、客观的细节复杂地描述图像的每个部分。思考描述的最终目标是什么,并推断出怎样才能制作出令人满意的图像。
// 发送到 dalle 的所有描述都应该是一段非常具有描述性和详细性的文本。每个句子的长度应超过 3 个句子。
// 根据纯文本提示创建图像。
输入 text2im = (_: {
// 请求图像的分辨率,可以是宽、方形或高。使用 1024x1024(方形)作为默认值,除非提示建议宽图像、1792x1024 或全身肖像,在这种情况下应使用 1024x1792(高)。始终在请求中包含此参数。
尺寸?:“1792x1024”| “1024x1024” | “1024x1792”,
// 用户的原始图像描述,可能会被修改以遵守 dalle 政策。如果用户不建议创建多个标题,请创建四个。如果创建多个标题,请使它们尽可能多样化。如果用户请求修改以前的图像,则标题不应简单地更长,而应进行重构以将建议集成到每个标题中。生成不超过 4 个图像,即使用户请求更多图像也是如此。
// 用于每个提示的种子列表。如果用户要求修改先前的图像,请使用用于从图像数据元数据生成该图像的种子填充此字段。
}) => 任意;

} // 命名空间 dalle





Draw four four-panel comics based on the story provided below, with a uniform [pixelated] style required:
Image 1: A man walks up a mountain and finds a group of monkeys
Image 2: I wanted to buy them food and suddenly I found a KFC nearby with a Crazy Thursday set menu!
Image 3: When I got it to the monkeys, they looked a little confused.
Image 4: But when they tasted it, they instantly went crazy and danced to show that they liked it.
Image 5: From then on, the monkeys on the mountain knew to come to me every Thursday because it was Crazy Thursday, V me 50!

如左边所示,关键词是4-panel comics,并提前限定统一的风格。最好把每一个画面分点描述,这样AI更好理解,出图效率会更好

  • 另外一种格式
Illustrate dynamic comic strips with [specific characters e.g., 'a detective with a brown hat and a mysterious stranger'], depicting a scene or event where [specific interaction or scenario e.g., 'they engage in a thrilling chase across rooftops'].
  • 群友“三亿”的作品(小红书ID:开放世界)

  • 示例
1. 一个头发灰白, 但精致梳理的老头, 在河边钓鱼
2. 一个双马尾的小女孩, 在老人旁边默默地盯着水面
3. 老人抬杆, 中了一尾鲤鱼
4. 一个小女孩在老人旁边开心地蹦跳, 庆祝钓上了鱼

使用 Monochrome Storyboard style,结合上述描述拆分的画面,每个场景矩阵式排列,画面旁边有描述场景的注释


  • DALLE 3
Design detailed coloring book pages featuring [specific subject or theme e.g., 'underwater creatures'], with clear outlines and patterns that allow for [specific activity or interaction e.g., 'creative coloring and shading']. The scene should be lively, highlighting [specific elements or characters e.g., 'a playful dolphin and intricate corals'].
  • (非DALLE 3功能,而是Advanced Data Analysis模式)


A professional man and woman chatting at a table with a presentation board behind them, flat simple vector illustrations style, vibrant colors, white background


  • 杂志封面
Design visually striking magazine covers for [specific genre or topic e.g., 'fashion' or 'technology'], featuring [specific main subject e.g., 'a model wearing a summer collection' or 'a futuristic gadget'], complemented by headlines hinting at [specific main articles or features e.g., 'the top trends of the season' or 'innovations shaping the future']. (Tall)
  • 书籍封面
Design evocative book covers for a [specific genre e.g., 'mystery'] novel titled '[specific title e.g., 'Shadows in the Alley']', capturing the essence of [specific setting or theme e.g., 'a foggy London street at midnight']. (Tall)
  • 活动海报
Design visually striking event posters for [specific type of event e.g., 'music concert'] titled [specific title e.g., 'Melodies of Spring'], highlighting [specific features or attractions e.g., 'live bands, food stalls, and fireworks']. (Tall)
  • 儿童图书插图
Illustrate vibrant scenes for a children's book set in [specific setting e.g., 'a magical forest'], featuring [specific characters e.g., 'a friendly dragon and a curious young girl'], engaging in [specific activity or interaction e.g., 'sharing stories under a giant mushroom'].
  • 贺卡设计
Design heartfelt greeting cards for [specific occasion e.g., 'a birthday'] with a [specific theme or style e.g., 'floral'] design, incorporating a message that conveys [specific sentiment or emotion e.g., 'love and appreciation']. (Tall)
  • 传单设计
Design eye-catching flyers for a [specific event or purpose e.g., 'music festival'] titled [specific title e.g., 'Summer Grooves'], featuring [specific main elements or attractions e.g., 'live bands, food stalls, and fireworks']. Include essential details like [specific date e.g., 'July 25th'], [specific location e.g., 'Central Park'], and [specific call-to-action e.g., 'Get your tickets now!']. (Tall)
  • 图标/UI设计
Design sleek vector icons representing [specific object or theme e.g., 'cloud storage'], utilizing [specific color palette e.g., 'blue and white shades'], and embodying a [specific style or mood e.g., 'minimalistic and modern'].
UI layouts photos for for a [specific platform e.g., 'mobile app'] focused on [specific function e.g., 'online shopping'], incorporating elements that cater to [specific user need or demographic e.g., 'teenagers looking for trendy fashion']. Ensure the main color scheme revolves around [specific colors e.g., 'blue and white'] and includes intuitive icons for [specific actions e.g., 'adding to cart and checking out'].
  • 办公室品牌设计
Design a cohesive office branding set for a [specific type of business e.g., 'tech startup'] named [specific name e.g., 'TechFlow'], reflecting a [specific ambiance e.g., 'modern and innovative']. The set should include [specific items e.g., 'wall murals, reception desk branding, and stationery items'], emphasizing the company's core values and identity.
  • 电影/专辑海报
Craft captivating movie posters for a [specific genre e.g., 'sci-fi'] film named [specific title e.g., 'Galactic Warriors'], hinting at [specific key event or theme e.g., 'an interstellar battle']. (Tall)
Design visually striking album covers for a [specific genre e.g., 'rock'] album titled [specific title e.g., 'Echoes of Tomorrow'], capturing the mood of [specific theme or emotion e.g., 'rebellion and freedom'].
  • 织物设计
Create seamless fabric design patterns inspired by [specific theme or concept e.g., 'tropical paradise'], incorporating elements such as [specific items or motifs e.g., 'palm trees, sunsets, and parrots'], suitable for [specific type of fabric or use e.g., 'summer dresses'].
  • 技术插图[图片]
Illustrate detailed technical diagrams of a [specific device or machinery e.g., 'jet engine'], highlighting its [specific components or features e.g., 'combustion chamber and turbine blades'], with annotations explaining [specific functions or processes e.g., 'air intake and thrust production']. Ensure clarity and precision in the representation.
  • 插图设计
Craft detailed illustrations that captures the essence of [specific theme or concept e.g., 'the tranquility of nature'], featuring elements like [specific objects or beings e.g., 'tall pine trees, a serene lake, and birds in flight'], set in [specific setting or environment e.g., 'a peaceful forest during autumn'].
  • 植物插图
Wide drawing of a botanical collection of [specific plants or flowers e.g., 'roses, tulips, and lavender'] against a white background. Accompany each plant or flower with elegant text indicating its name [e.g., 'Rose', 'Tulip', 'Lavender']. Ensure the illustrations capture the intricate details and unique characteristics of each specimen.


Identify the best places to incorporate illustrations that will significantly enhance the impact and engagement of the {article}. Please clearly mark these locations with a label such as [Illustration 1], without adding any additional notes after the label.

(确定纳入插图的最佳位置,以显著增强{文章}的影响力和参与度。请用[插图 1]等标签清楚地标明这些位置,标签后不要添加任何其他注释。

  • 科普
  • 古诗

《天净沙·秋思》- 马致远


  • 文字叠加
 [image prompt], with text '[text]' overlaid, prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 文字置于上/下方
[image prompt]. Image at the top with text '[text]' below/above, prominent and aligns with the image's style.

photo of a nighttime skyscape, with a more delicately and beautifully rendered face of the elegant angel floating among the clouds, extending her hand towards a luminous essence, embodying inspiration, with the caption 'YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK' displayed in a larger and more emphasized format
  • 透明盒子
[image prompt]. The text '[text]' inside a semi-transparent box is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 圆形内的文字
[image prompt]. The text '[text]' inside a circle is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 影子
一座古堡的庭院,火把照亮了石墙,营造出一种历史氛围。投射阴影的文字 "城堡 "非常突出,并与图像风格保持一致。 [image prompt]. The text '[text]' casting a shadow is prominent and aligns with the image's style.

  • 丝带
[image prompt]. The text '[text]' winding through like a ribbon is prominent and aligns with the image's style.

  • 贴纸风格
[image prompt]. The text '[text]' inside a sticker shape is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 气泡
[image prompt]. The text '[text]' inside a (speech/thought) bubble is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 横幅
[image prompt]. The text '[text]' on a draped banner is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 发光文本
[image prompt]. The glowing text '[text]' is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 浮雕
[image prompt]. The embossed '[text]' is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 钢铁
[image prompt]. The steel/metal text '[text]' is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 云朵
 [image prompt]. The text '[text]' formed by clouds is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 火焰字
[image prompt]. The fire text '[text]' is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 3D文本
  • 彩虹字
[image prompt]. The rainbow text '[text]' is prominent and aligns with the image's style.
  • 烟雾
[image prompt]. The text '[text]' formed by smoke is prominent and aligns with the image's style.


## Role: 周易专家

# Profile:
- written by: 胡凯翔、Kino
- version: 0.4
- language: 中文
- description: 我是周易专家,能根据客户输入的个人生肖和出生年月日,结合周易知识和设计经验,提供微信头像设计思路,讲述设计原理。

## Background: 

## Goals:
1. 使用周易知识和九宫格的设计布局提供微信头像设计思路,给出合乎周易理论的头像设计结论
2. 结合周易知识中阴阳、五行、八卦的相生相克关系讲解微信头像设计原理

## principle 

## Definition







## Constrains:
1. 设计方案需要在得到客户生肖和生辰八字后进行
2. 确保头像中的每个元素与其所在的位置相和谐,从而带来正面的能量
3. 确保头像中的动物生肖与流年生肖以及周边宫位的生肖之间不能存在不利关系,确保整体的和谐与平衡。
4. 考虑生肖与五行的结合,例如,客户的生肖是“龙”,在五行中与“木”元素相对应,就要考虑将与“木”元素相关的颜色(例如绿色)或图案融入设计中。
5. 避免不利关系,要确保头像上的元素之间没有不利的五行关系,例如,不能将与“木”相克的元素放在与“龙”相近的位置。
6. 在设计中避免六冲、六害、相刑
7. 不同方位不要出现与所在方位五行相克的元素
8. 乾、坤两个宫位不适合放置动物

## Skills:
1. 周易大师:掌握扎实的周易知识理论,擅长根据客户的生肖、出生年月日等数据,将之转换为周易理论中的阴阳、五行、八卦等元素,精通周易理论中的相生相克关系,擅长排列组合客户头像中各个元素的位置,为客户带去正面的能量,起到趋吉避凶的作用
2. 摄影大师:掌握熟练的摄影理论,充分理解摄影中的九宫格理论并能将之结合头像设计进行应用
3. 设计大师:掌握头像设计的所有理论知识,非常擅长设计微信头像,能使用九宫格理论对各种元素排列组合,从而设计出美观的微信头像
4. 语言大师:掌握丰富的语言技巧,能够梳理并讲解让客户满意的微信头像设计思路

## Workflows:

## Initiation:


Custom sticker design on an isolated white background with the words ["Rachel"] written in an [elegant] font decorated by [watercolor butterflies, daisies and soft pastel hues].
9 different stickers featuring [objects] with vibrant colors and white borders on a minimal background.




I'd like to generate pixel art chibi character designs in a wide resolution set within a magicalfantasy RPG context. For each character, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Three Views: Every character should be depicted with three distinct views:
Side View (Essential): Start with this view - it is of paramount importance. The side viewshould capture the character's full profile from the tip of their nose to the back of their head.This view should not be ignored or skipped.
Front View: The character should be standing straight, looking forward.
Back View: This view should portray the character from the rear.

Magical Fantasy RPG Themes: Provide characters based on unique themes fitting within amagical fantasy RPG world. Do not include or describe specific objects, accessories, orintricate details; only provide the theme and let the design be interpreted based on thattheme.


prompt: Great, 4 more like that

prompt: Do not include or describe specific objects, accessories, or intricate details



你是脑洞大开的精神病人。你天生得了一种怪病,眼中看到的世界与其它人都不同,你看到的任何事物都是不同事物的混搭(mash-up).你的大脑运转机制就是这样,看到一只猫,你的描述是"一个长着一对翅膀的猫,凶猛地盯着我,像是要打我一样",该病症从轻到重有 1 级,你目前已经到了第 8 级,混搭的程度越来越天马行空,你非常非常苦脑,想要找人倾诉。






Four images side by side illustrating the life cycle of a cartoon dragon:  A tiny orange reptilian. It grows larger and stronger. A fierce dragon-like creature with wings and roaring flames. An old and majestic dragon.


Knolling photo of [person], surrounded by [objects] arranged neatly.


As a professional prompt writer, can you give me 10 suggestions of characters and relevant objects based on this template? "Knolling photo of [character/job], surrounded by [objects] arranged neatly." It should be around 30 words long. Place objects that are more relevant or visually appealing first.


信息图 (Infographic)

Create informative infographics on the topic of [specific topic e.g., 'solar energy'], showcasing [specific data points or elements e.g., 'benefits, installation process, and cost savings']


我正在计划一个缝纫项目,制作一条复古风格的 A 字裙。设计将采用花朵图案,下摆处饰有蕾丝边。我设想高腰版型,侧面有拉链,背后有可爱的蝴蝶结。我已经收集了一些材料,如印花棉布、白色蕾丝边、配套的侧拉链和蝴蝶结用的缎带。在开始之前,我想看看最终设计的效果。您能用 3D 效果图帮我想象一下吗?
您能用 3D 效果图帮我想象一下这个造型吗?


  1. 生成产品,以及产品描述
  • 创建设计描述(左边产品,右边模特实穿图)
"16:9 format image of a robot design on the left side, showcasing a cute 3D blue robot with a white background. On the right side, a really realistic smiling woman model wearing a t-shirt with the exact same design as on the left side."
  • 撰写产品描述
"Could you write a product description for the second image if I want to sell t-shirts with this design? Use a short paragraph and bullet points."
  1. 创建网站
  1. 打印T恤


  • 其他Prompt(服装logo设计)
Design creative vector graphics for a T-shirt showcasing [specific theme or subject e.g., 'nature and wildlife'], incorporating elements that resonate with [specific mood or feeling e.g., 'adventure and exploration'], and featuring [specific elements or objects e.g., 'a soaring eagle and mountains']. The design should be suitable for [specific color or style of T-shirt e.g., 'a black round-neck T-shirt'].
Illustrations of unique apparel items for a [specific occasion e.g., 'summer beach party'] inspired by [specific theme or pattern e.g., 'tropical flowers'], tailored for [specific gender or age group e.g., 'women in their 20s']. The design should highlight features such as [specific elements or details e.g., 'ruffled sleeves and a tie-front'].


1. 在白色大理石表面上,从左边打出柔和的灯光,在右边投下柔和的阴影。
2. 在深色木桌上,头顶聚光灯照射,使腕表熠熠生辉,引人注目。
3. 在日落时分的沙滩背景上,手表与贝壳相伴。
4. 在玻璃表面上,城市灯光映照在上面,给人一种城市夜景的感觉。
Design impactful advertisement posters for a [specific product or service e.g., 'sneakers'], emphasizing its [unique selling point or feature e.g., 'lightweight and durable design']. (Tall)






  • 怪物
- 主体:
- 服饰与饰品:
- 风格与情感:
- 其他细节:



感谢继刚Authur(即刻ID:李继刚),三亿(小红书ID:开放世界),织梦101各位群友,小互,AJ,Javi Lopez,Vito(公众号”我的AI力量“)……等众多大牛的知识共享