


详细方法 https://x.com/xiaohuggg/status/1716353451989536897?s=20



指定目标受众 描述特点 给出案例 然后提出主题

target Audience: Young boys (typically ages 12-18)
Characteristics: Action-packed stories, themes of friendship and perseverance
Example Series: "Naruto", "Dragon Ball", "One Piece"

A dog and a man go on an adventure, (ooo) anime style

一个可以突破版权限制,让DALL·E 3画出日本动画片水准的方法! Prompt结构如下: 1️⃣指定目标受众 : (少年) 目标受众:年轻男孩(通常年龄 12-18 岁) 2️⃣指定你需要输出内容的特征: 特征:故事情节动感十足,以友谊和毅力为主题 3️⃣给出实例动画片: 系列示例:《火影忍者》、《龙珠》、《海贼王》 4️⃣然后最后可以再加上具体Prompt情节描述: 例如:一只狗和一个男人去冒险... 以下是英文版本Prompt具体风格实例,套用即可,也可以让GPT帮你写,最好用英文,因为效果更好:


Japanese Anime Styles (according to ChatGPT): 

Shonen (少年) 
Target Audience: Young boys (typically ages 12-18)
Characteristics: Action-packed stories, themes of friendship and perseverance
Example Series: "Naruto", "Dragon Ball", "One Piece"

Shojo (少女)
Target Audience: Young girls (typically ages 12-18)
Characteristics: Romantic plots, emotional depth, often has intricate art
Example Series: "Sailor Moon", "Fruits Basket", "Ouran High School Host Club"

Seinen (青年)
Target Audience: Adult men (18+)
Characteristics: More mature themes, can include gore, psychological elements, and deep philosophical questions 
Example Series: "Berserk", "Tokyo Ghoul", "Black Lagoon"

Josei (女性) 
Target Audience: Adult women (18+)
Characteristics: Realistic romance, deals with women's issues, often more mature and dramatic
Example Series: "Nana", "Paradise Kiss", "Honey and Clover"

Mecha (メカ) 
Characteristics: Focuses on robots or mechanical suits Themes: War, technology, and the relationship between humans and machines
Example Series: "Mobile Suit Gundam", "Neon Genesis Evangelion", "Code Geass"

Isekai (異世界)
Characteristics: Protagonist gets transported to, reborn, or trapped in a parallel universe or fantasy world 
Themes: Adventure, magic, battles, and adapting to a new world
Example Series: "Re:Zero", "Sword Art Online", "No Game No Life"

Slice of Life (スライス・オブ・ライフ)
Characteristics: Depicts everyday life scenarios, often with a touch of humor or drama
Themes: Friendship, love, challenges of daily life
Example Series: "Clannad", "March Comes in Like a Lion", "Barakamon"

Chibi (ちび or チビ)
Characteristics: Characters are drawn in a cute, small, and deformed manner, often with big heads and tiny bodies Used for comedic effect or to depict childlike cuteness 
Example Series: "Attack on Titan: Junior High", "Hetalia", "Dragon Ball SD"

以下是英文版本Prompt具体风格实例,套用即可,也可以让GPT帮你写,最好用英文,因为效果更好: 部分中文翻译 Josei (女性) 目标受众:成年女性(18岁以上) 特点:现实主义浪漫,处理女性问题,往往更成熟和戏剧性 示例系列:“娜娜”、“天堂之吻”、“蜂蜜与三叶草” 机器人(机甲) 特点:关注机器人或机械套装主题:战争、技术以及人类与机器的关系 示例系列:“移动的套装高达”,“氖创世纪福音战士”,“代码Geass” 伊势海(伊势世界) 特点:主角被传送到,重生,或被困在一个平行宇宙或幻想世界 主题:冒险,魔法,战斗,适应新世界 示例系列:“Re:Zero”、“Sword Art Online”、“No Game No Life” 生命的一片(生命的一片·看护·生活的一片) 特点:描绘日常生活场景,经常带有幽默或戏剧性 主题:友谊,爱情,日常生活的挑战 例如系列:“Clannad”,“March Comes in Like a Lion”,“Barakamon” 赤壁(Chibi) 产品特点:人物形象以可爱、小巧、畸形的方式出现,通常是大头小身,用于喜剧效果或描绘孩子般的可爱 示例系列:《进击的泰坦:初中》、《赫塔利亚》、《龙珠SD》



Technical drawing of the White Technology Wind Combat Robot toy, detailing its advanced parts and mechanisms. The illustration, rendered in a realistic manner, also highlights the various accessories that come with it.


Technical drawing of the orange and mint Technology style rabbit, detailing its advanced parts and mechanisms. The illustration, rendered in a realistic manner, also highlights the various accessories that come with it.



orange and mint Technology style rabbit
