《AI 文化 AI传统之李清照》
①、李清照名字来自唐代王维《山居秋暝》:明月松间照 清泉石上流;
②、李清照 号易安居士 来自陶渊明《归去来兮辞》中:南窗以寄傲,审容膝之易安;
生当做人杰 死亦为鬼雄
至今思项羽 不肯过江东
宋代李清照 ---> 对话唐代王维,获取名字 李清照
宋代李清照 ---> 对话晋代陶渊明 获取名号 易安居士
宋代李清照 ---> 对话当代女生 获得现代女性思想
剪辑:剪映 ;
主角: ”generate:小说主角的名字、年龄、职业,以及他们的性格和动机、简要的描述”
节奏: ”generate:调节故事节奏以建立和释放紧张气氛,推进情节,创造戏剧效果的说明“
根据上面的模板生成为 {题材}小说填充内容
根据前面的元素,生成小说的目录<目录> ::= <一级主题>*每”一”章 <一级主题> ::= "1. " <主题名> "\n" <二级子主题>*<二级子主题> ::= " 1.1 " <子主题名> "\n" | " 1.2 " <子主题名> "\n"
标题:”generate: 李清照传奇”
设置:”generate: 生于中国宋代的李清照名字来自唐代王维《山居秋暝》明月松间照 清泉石上流,王维标志性著作《维摩诘诗集》和住所辋川别业,中国宋代李清照,号易安居士来自陶渊明《归去来兮辞》中:南窗以寄傲,审容膝之易安,陶渊明住在南山下种地,中国宋代李清照一生无子嗣”
主角: ”generate: 李清照,中国古代著名诗人”
反派角色:”generate: 李清照婆婆,”
节奏: ”generate:节奏短平快“
一道白光将少年李清照带走,穿越到唐代王维的《辋川别业》,与王维对话,王伯伯王伯伯,我很喜欢你诗,请你给我请个名字吧?王维摸了摸李清照的小脑袋,送他一首诗,上面写着 “空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。明月松间照,清泉石上流。” 突然纸上的 照 和 清 凸显。李清照高兴的说,那我就叫 清照 清照,那我就叫李清照。画面闪现到李清照与蝴蝶的对话,李清照骄傲的和蝴蝶说,我叫李清照~~
婆婆家流言蜚语,这么多年了李清照也不会为赵家生下一儿半女,除了写写画画还能做什么呀!赵明诚迎娶小妾,李清照陷入沉思,再次穿越到到现代,发现家庭女儿还男孩都一样,一个家庭一般都是一个孩子,甚至还有丁克家庭。震惊的发现她生活的时代三从四德、无后为大的这些陋习都不存在了,并且发现城市CBD都是独立女性,仰望高楼大厦一阵眩晕返回宋代。提笔写下《一剪梅》 红藕香残玉簟秋,轻解罗裳,独上兰舟。云中谁寄锦书来?雁字回时,月满西楼。花自飘零水自流。一种相思,两处闲愁。此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头...
1127年靖康之变,北宋都城汴京沦陷,北方生灵涂炭。李清照随夫逃亡南方,1130年李清照抵达温州,写下著名的《武陵春》,闻说双溪春尚好,也拟泛轻舟。只恐双溪舴艋舟,载不动许多愁。同期还创作“生当作人杰死亦为鬼雄 至今思项羽不肯过江东”豪迈诗句,激励南宋军民同仇敌忾抗击金军,这里面包括岳飞岳家军、抗金女将梁红玉等人
分镜 |
子分镜 |
分镜主视觉 |
配音 |
角色 |
配音 |
画面 |
宋代 |
1 |
远景一个古装小女孩草丛中嬉戏 |
背景音乐:小女孩嬉戏声 |
2 |
02-01 欢快 02-02 疑惑 |
蝴蝶:你叫什么名字呀?(欢快) 李清照:嗯~嗯~我叫什么名字呢?(疑惑) |
蝴蝶 少年李清照 |
3 |
02-02放大 |
李清照特写 |
穿越唐代 |
4 |
04穿越唐代 |
李清照满是疑惑 |
画外音:这是什么地方?(疑惑) |
少年李清照 |
5 |
《辋川别业》建筑 |
写有《辋川别业》的古代建筑 |
辋川别业、辋川别业,难到这是王维的住处!(恍然大悟) |
少年李清照 |
6 |
06 |
《维摩诘诗集》特写 |
真的是王维(高兴) |
少年李清照 |
7 |
07 |
李清照高兴奔向王维 |
王伯伯~王伯伯~(高兴) |
少年李清照 |
8 |
08-01 08-02 |
嗯~谁在叫我 小姑娘,你从哪里来?你叫什么名字呀? |
王维 |
9 |
09-01 疑惑 09-02 诗文
疑惑自言自语 疑惑的表情 看到明月松间照,清泉石上流 惊喜 |
我叫什么名字呢?(疑惑) 哦~ (惊讶) 李清照吟诵:明月松间照,清泉石上流。 |
10 |
10-01 惊喜 10-02 照 清高亮 |
李清照灵机一动 墙上诗:明月松间照,清泉石上流。照和清 高亮显示 |
11 |
11得意 |
李清照脸部特写,惊喜表情 |
我叫李清照 (高兴) |
少年李清照 |
12 |
12王维沉思 |
王维沉思 |
李清照~李清照,好名字、好名字 |
王维 |
13 |
13夜景 |
明月下溪水潺潺 |
王维吟诵:明月松间照,清泉石上流。 |
王维 |
返回宋代 |
14 |
14与蝴蝶对话 |
画面切回,李清照与蝴蝶对话 |
我叫李清照,嬉笑声 |
少年李清照 |
15-01诗文交错 15-02成长变化 15-03作诗 15-03结婚 |
苏轼呀,他的诗词缺少音律之美、 柳永呢、他的就一个字 太俗了、 陆游,本小姐只能说 呵呵
16 |
16府宅大院 |
府宅大院 |
17 |
17佣人窃窃私语 |
佣人窃窃私语 |
咱们家夫人是不会下蛋的老母鸡 |
佣人 |
18 |
18赵母训斥赵明诚 |
赵母训斥赵明诚 |
男人不孝有三 无后为大 你看看你们结婚多少年了 一儿半女的都没有生下一个 你怎么对得起赵家的列祖列宗 |
赵母 |
19 |
19李清照羞愧 |
躲在一旁听的李清照羞愧、内疚、自责 |
穿越到现代 |
20 |
20 |
画面穿越到当代写字楼 办公室 |
忙乱和电话铃声 |
背景声 |
21 |
21 |
面对电脑的李清照一脸茫然 |
22 |
22 |
你们打算什么时间要孩子? 要孩子,要什么孩子,我们是丁克家庭。 |
同事甲 同事乙 |
23 |
23 |
李清照满脑子疑惑,丁克是什么意思 |
疑问背景音 |
背景声 |
24 |
24 |
李清照查询丁克的意思,发现是不要孩子的家庭。 |
25 |
那你不打算结婚吗? 我才30岁,结哪门子婚,我的环游世界梦想还没有实现呢 |
同事甲 同事乙
26 |
26 |
李清照满脑子疑惑,为什么可以不结婚?怎么生活? |
疑问背景音 |
背景声 |
27 |
清照~清照~你不下班吗? 哦哦~我查点资料 |
同事甲 李清照 |
28 |
28-01 |
恍然大悟终于搞清楚现代社会的节奏 |
李清照 |
28-02 |
我要是生活这个时代多好呀 |
画外音:要是我生活在这个时代多好呀 |
29 |
29 |
李清照走向窗边,眺望繁华的都市 |
画外音:这不是在做梦吧 |
李清照 |
宋代 |
返回宋代 赵母继续训斥赵明诚,明天我就让孙大人家的小儿女接过过来给你做妾,说什么今年我都要抱上大孙子 |
31 |
31 |
李清照淡然世外,走进书房 |
32 |
32 |
返回现代 |
33 |
33 |
画面缩小、出现电脑画面 |
王总,你看这个创意怎么样? |
导演 |
34 |
34 |
好是好~但是略显单薄,缺少道格利曼式的硬派冲突,你这一言不合就写诗、太文雅了,应该就是一言不合就打起来,眼花缭乱的一通打,要有冲突、冲突起来.. |
35 |
35 |
导演低声和王总沟通 |
王总、有的、有的、您说的是下部戏《花木兰》,各种乒乓五六一打那种... |
导演 |
36 |
36 |
定格画面 |
震撼背阴音 |
37 |
37 |
团队成员和角色说明 |
编号 |
人物 |
脚本 |
情绪 |
配音负责人 |
1 |
少年李清照 |
你叫什么名字呀 |
高兴 |
2 |
小蝴蝶 |
我叫蓝色妖姬 那你呢 你叫什么名字 |
3 |
少年李清照 |
我叫什么名字呢 |
4 |
少年李清照 |
嗯~嗯~ 我也不知道我叫什么名字 |
苦恼 |
5 |
少年李清照 |
我在哪里 |
惊奇 |
6 |
少年李清照 |
这是什么地方 |
7 |
少年李清照 |
好美呀 |
8 |
少年李清照 |
感觉像是在做梦一样 |
9 |
少年李清照 |
辋 川 别 业 |
惊喜 |
10 |
少年李清照 |
这难道是王维的住处? |
惊喜 |
11 |
少年李清照 |
王摩诘诗集 |
惊喜 |
12 |
少年李清照 |
果然是王维 |
惊喜 |
13 |
少年李清照 |
王伯伯 王伯伯 |
惊喜 |
14 |
王维 |
嗯 谁在叫我 |
疑惑 |
15 |
王维 |
小姑娘 |
16 |
王维 |
你从哪里来 你叫什么名字 |
17 |
少年李清照 |
是呀~~我叫什么名字呢 |
苦恼 |
18 |
少年李清照 |
明月松间照 清泉石上流 |
吟诵 |
19 |
少年李清照 |
有了 我的名字叫李 清 照 |
惊喜 |
20 |
王维 |
李清照 李清照 好名字 好名字 |
21 |
少年李清照 |
明月松间照 清泉石上流 |
朗诵 |
22 |
少年李清照 |
小蝴蝶 小蝴蝶 |
23 |
少年李清照 |
我的名字叫李清照 |
24 |
李清照 |
苏轼呀 他的诗词缺少音律之美 |
藐视 |
25 |
李清照 |
柳永呢 他的词就一个字 太俗了 |
藐视 |
26 |
李清照 |
陆游呢 本小姐只能说呵呵 |
藐视 |
27 |
佣人 |
听说了吗 |
悄悄话 |
28 |
佣人 |
咱们家夫人就是不下蛋的老母鸡 |
悄悄话 |
29 |
赵母 |
男人不孝有三 无后为大 |
恶狠狠 |
30 |
赵母 |
你看看你们结婚多少年了 |
恶狠狠 |
31 |
赵母 |
一儿半女的都没有生下一个 |
恶狠狠 |
32 |
赵母 |
你怎么对得起赵家的列祖列宗 |
恶狠狠 |
33 |
李清照 |
这又是哪里 怎么这么嘈杂 |
疑惑 |
34 |
同事甲 |
你们打算什么时间要孩子 |
35 |
同事乙 |
要孩子 要什么孩子 我们是丁克家庭 |
36 |
李清照 |
丁克家庭 什么意思 |
37 |
同事乙 |
那你不打算结婚吗 |
38 |
同事甲 |
我才30岁 结哪门子婚 |
39 |
同事甲 |
我的环游世界梦想还没有实现呢 |
40 |
李清照 |
他们为什么可以不结婚 怎么生活呢 |
疑惑 |
41 |
李清照 |
我明白了 |
42 |
李清照 |
放弃别人的期待是一种自由 |
欢快 |
43 |
赵母 |
明天我就让孙大人把他小女儿送过给你做小妾 |
恶狠狠 |
44 |
赵母 |
说什么今年我都要抱上大孙子 |
恶狠狠 |
45 |
李清照 |
生活在古代女性要背负这么多责任 |
解脱 |
46 |
李清照 |
不管他们了 我要写诗去了 |
解脱 |
47 |
导演 |
王总 你看这个创意怎么样? |
低三下四 |
48 |
王总 |
好是好 就是略显单薄 |
49 |
王总 |
应该让画面饱满起来 动起来 |
50 |
王总 |
你这一言不合就写诗 有点寡淡 |
51 |
王总 |
应该是一言不合就打起来 哐哐的打起来 |
52 |
王总 |
你知道现在年轻人喜欢看什么 就是喜欢爽剧 刺激的那种 |
53 |
导演 |
王总 有的 有的 |
低三下四 |
54 |
导演 |
您看下部戏《花木兰》 |
低三下四 |
55 |
导演 |
就是各种乒乓五六一通打那种 |
低三下四 |
编号 |
项目 |
分镜 |
内容 |
负责人 |
状态 |
1 |
PS |
04 |
PS《王摩诘诗集》特写 |
完成 |
2 |
PS |
05 |
PS 辋川别业 标牌 |
完成 |
3 |
AE |
09-02 10-01 |
明月松间照 清泉石上流 AE动画
完成 |
4 |
AE |
24 |
电脑屏幕搜索 丁克家庭 动画 |
完成 |
5 |
AE |
28 |
电脑屏幕搜索 当代人的生活方式 动画 |
完成 |
6 |
AE/其他 |
32 |
一剪梅诗文 |
完成 |
7 |
PS |
36 |
花木兰 海报书法体 |
完成 |
8 |
GIF动画 |
02 |
人物张嘴闭嘴和眨眼睛 |
完成 |
9 |
AE |
33 |
电脑屏幕中出现分镜11的图片内容 |
完成 |
10 |
AE |
08-02 |
王维眨眼睛,嘴巴说话,李清照眨眼睛 |
完成 |
11 |
PS |
18、19 |
分镜19的人物PS到分镜18的左侧 预计做的动画,随着赵母批评赵明诚,镜头左移出现李清照 |
完成 |
编号 |
人物 |
Prompt |
01 |
少年李清照 |
little asian cute girl in Hanfu dressed up, multiple poses and expressions, 100% white background, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --niji 5
02 |
成年李清照 |
an asian cute young woman in Hanfu dressed up, multiple poses and expressions, 100% white background, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --niji 5
03 |
现代李清照 |
04 |
王维 |
an cute asian cultured bearded man in Hanfu dressed up, multiple poses and expressions, including contemplation, happiness, curiosity, surprise, 100% white background, tang dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --niji 5
7、图片输出 Version 1
分镜 |
子分镜 |
画面主题 |
Prompt |
效果 |
创作者 |
01 |
Birds-Eye-View of the Chinese landscape, grass full of flowers, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design. I can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5
02-01 |
近景少年李清照与蝴蝶对话 高兴
https://s.mj.run/vivLOxcsPV0 https://s.mj.run/KgMTwKFmq8k a little asian cute girl in Hanfu dressed up and playing with butterflies among flowers and grass, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
02-02 |
近景少年李清照与蝴蝶对话 疑惑
https://s.mj.run/vivLOxcsPV0 https://s.mj.run/4M46R2D3LPQ a little asian cute girl is thinking in Hanfu dressed up and playing with butterflies among flowers and grass, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 - |
03 |
03 |
02-02的分镜图片Upscale 4x 放大4倍,可以做放大切换场景使用 |
04 |
https://s.mj.run/Kt7XDs-z-uU a simple farmer residences buliding in the mountains, Song Dynasty, on a light green background, many peaks are scattered, peaks are light cyan and blue gradient, water Song Huizong style,visionary other worldly, flowing line, transparent layers, skeuomorphic --ar 16:9 |
an ancient Chinese dwellings made of wood in the mountains, closeup, Song Dynasty, on a light green background and blue gradient, water Song Huizong style,visionary other worldly, flowing line, transparent layers, skeuomorphic --ar 16:9
06 |
06 |
《维摩诘诗集》特写 |
PS处理 |
07 |
李清照跑向《辋川别业》 需调色
A little girl wearing Hanfu runs towards a simple house, from the back view, , song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light green background and blue gradient, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 |
08 |
08-01 |
A cute Asian culture bearded man wearing hanfu in room, he was confused when I heard someone calling his name, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light green background and blue gradient, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --cref https://s.mj.run/D5tBYNeVqfU --cw 100 |
A cute Asian culture bearded man wearing hanfu conversation with a cute little girl, song dynasty, full-body, Medium-Full Shot, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light green background and blue gradient, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --cref https://s.mj.run/EkBkjriPh00 https://s.mj.run/hWemQOYSI8k |
09 |
A cute little girl is is confused in room, song dynasty, monochrome ink, light green background and blue gradient, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --cref https://s.mj.run/wOthWaunLN0 --cw 100
09-02 |
挂在书房墙上有“明月松间照、清泉石上流”的书法作品 |
比例改为16:9,书房场景对了,不要人物,主要突出 ”明月松间照、清泉石上流"这幅书法作品。 PS处理 |
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10-01 |
墙上有 书法作品 照 清 高亮 |
李清照 惊喜 表情 |
https://s.mj.run/Kgjx3co3QcQ A cute little girl suddenly had an inspiration and became happy in room, song dynasty,monochrome ink, light green background and blue gradient, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --iw 2 Vary region In a simple and clean ancient Chinese study room, light colors --v 6.0 --ar 16:9 |
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想到自己有名字 得意 神情
https://s.mj.run/oSvbqK4Ybyo A cute little girl shy smile, song dynasty,monochrome ink, light green background and blue gradient, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --iw 2 In a simple and clean ancient Chinese study room, light colors --ar 16:9 --v 6.0 |
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王维觉得是个好名字 沉思 |
https://s.mj.run/Aase65LssJI https://s.mj.run/rh_cMugImPw A cute Asian culture bearded man wearing hanfu standing outside the door, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light green background and blue gradient, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --iw 2 |
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明月松间照、清泉石上流 画面
https://s.mj.run/yFWTAqG6qaI A pine forest, a stream passing through the pine forest, Song Dynasty, against a light black background with moonlight, the peaks are scattered, the peaks are light cyan and blue gradient, the style of Huizong in the Song Dynasty, dreamy and exotic, with smooth lines and transparent layers. Skeuomorphism --ar 16:9 --iw 2 --v 6.0 |
https://s.mj.run/yFWTAqG6qaI A pine forest, a stream passing through the pine forest, Song Dynasty, against a light black background with moonlight, the peaks are scattered, the peaks are light cyan and blue gradient, the style of Huizong in the Song Dynasty, dreamy and exotic, with smooth lines and transparent layers. Skeuomorphism --ar 16:9 --iw 2 --v 6.0 |
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https://s.mj.run/vivLOxcsPV0 https://s.mj.run/KgMTwKFmq8k a little asian cute girl is puzzled expression in Hanfu dressed up and playing with butterflies among flowers and grass, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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15-01 |
诗文交错 |
https://s.mj.run/8dOfsA5iY8w A beautiful ancient Chinese woman, dressed in Hanfu, stands among the flying papers of ancient China with many scattered papers on her . She holds calligraphy brush, writing carefully, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --iw 1.5 |
https://s.mj.run/8dOfsA5iY8w A beautiful ancient Chinese woman, dressed in Hanfu, stands among the flying papers of ancient China with many scattered papers on her . She holds calligraphy brush, writing carefully, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --iw 1.5 |
15-02 |
成长变化 |
https://s.mj.run/Vzs3ZuBGOkM Wedding, a man and woman dressed in Hanfu, a traditional Chinese wedding,Wedding Scene, -- sref https://s.mj.run/ 7AKPdYFEDpO --ar 16:9 --sw 800 --s 350 --niji 6 |
成长变化 |
https://s.mj.run/vivLOxcsPV0 https://s.mj.run/KgMTwKFmq8k A cute 10-year-old Asian girl in hanfu, with a puzzled expression, playing with butterflies among the flowers, in a complex and bizarre illustration in the style of the Song Dynasty, meticulously designed in deep white and deep blue monochrome ink, I can hardly believe such a beautiful, charming character --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
15-03 |
https://s.mj.run/D_g9BJ4ICFs A woman in an ancient Chinese residence, holding a brush, writing poetry, --sref https://s.mj.run/ TAKPdY FEDpO --ar 16:9 --sw 1000 --s 250 --niji 6 |
https://s.mj.run/D_g9BJ4ICFs A woman in an ancient Chinese residence, holding a brush, writing poetry, --sref https://s.mj.run/ TAKPdYFEDpO --iw 2 --ar 16:9 --sw 1000 --s 250 --niji 6 |
15-04 |
结婚 |
https://s.mj.run/qC3ALyTRmGk https://s.mj.run/ A6AhpaLq95o A couple dressed in Han clothing, full body shot --sref https://s.mj.run/ AbAhpaLq950 https://s.mj.run/qC3ALyTRmGk -- ar 16:9 --sw 1000 --s 350 --niji 6 |
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府宅大院 |
Low perspective view of the ancient Chinese courtyard, secluded, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design. I can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --s 250 --niji 5 低视角体现赵府的威严感 |
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佣人窃窃私语 |
Two elderly Asian girls of different heights wearing gray and white traditional Chinese clothing are whispering to each other in an ancient Chinese courtyard, engaging in an intimate conversation. The close-up shot captures the tranquility of the ancient Chinese courtyard and its unique illustration style, blending stunning ink blue, light brown, and deep blue tones. I can hardly believe how beautiful and captivating this scene is --ar 16:9 --niji 5 年纪调大 |
https://s.mj.run/cNf_aewHH68 https://s.mj.run/J_34eKktPP0 An Asian woman in her 60s wearing traditional Chinese clothing sits at a table in an ancient Chinese courtyard, with an angry expression on her face, pointing her finger to rebuke an 18-year-old boy standing nearby. The boy looks guilty and remorseful. They are having a close-up conversation. The low-angle shots of the ancient Chinese courtyard present a tranquil and unique illustrative style, blending stunning ink blue, light cream, and deep blue hues. I can hardly believe how beautiful and charming this scene is --s 250 --niji 5 --ar 16:9 |
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赵母训斥赵明诚 |
a elderly Asian grandma sitting wearing Hanfu shouts at a young man, in an ancient Chinese courtyard, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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李清照羞愧、内疚、自责 |
https://s.mj.run/Rdy5ch2_gFY Two middle-aged Asian women in traditional Chinese clothing, aged fifty, engaged in intimate conversation, close-up shot. Ancient Chinese courtyard scene shot from a low angle with a tranquil and unique painting style, integrating stunning ink blue, light cream, and deep blue color palettes. I can hardly believe how beautiful and enchanting this character is --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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a modern office, big office, people working, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --niji 5 --ar 16:9 |
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李清照感到困惑 |
https://s.mj.run/EDUTikMJSuo A beautiful and fashion office laday looked at the computer in confusion in office, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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https://s.mj.run/aACupJqbmqU Two office ladays chatting each other in a modern office, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
李清照满脑子疑惑,丁克是什么意思 |
https://s.mj.run/EDUTikMJSuo A beautiful and fashion office laday looked at the computer in confusion in office, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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电脑屏幕李清照查询丁克的意思,发现是不要孩子的家庭。 |
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旁边两个同事继续聊天 |
https://s.mj.run/aACupJqbmqU Two office ladays chatting each other in a modern office, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --niji 5 --ar 16:9 |
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https://s.mj.run/EDUTikMJSuo A beautiful and fashion office laday looked at the computer in confusion in office, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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李清照终于搞清楚现代社会的节奏 恍然大悟 放弃别人的期待是一种自由
https://s.mj.run/EDUTikMJSuo A beautiful and fashion office laday looked at the computer in confusion in office, she raised her hands happily and suddenly understoodin the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 Vary region 重绘 she raised her hands happily and suddenly understood --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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李清照走向窗边,眺望繁华的都市 |
The aerial view of the city center, showcasing an urban skyline with tall buildings and streets illuminated by lights. The scene includes distant mountains under clear blue sky, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
返回宋代 赵母继续训斥赵明诚,明天我就让孙大人把他小儿女送过给你做小妾,说什么今年我都要抱上大孙子 |
a elderly Asian grandma sitting wearing Hanfu shouts at a young man, in an ancient Chinese courtyard, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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李清照淡然世外,走进书房 |
https://s.mj.run/8dOfsA5iY8w A beautiful ancient Chinese woman, dressed in Hanfu, stands among the flying papers of ancient China with many scattered papers on her . She holds calligraphy brush, writing carefully, song dynasty, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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AE处理 花自飘零水自流。一种相思,两处闲愁。 此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。
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画面缩小、出现电脑画面和《一剪梅》诗文 |
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投资人王总趾高气扬 |
A chinese director standing talks to a sitting boss in front of a computer, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
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导演低声和王总沟通 |
omputer, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design, i can't believe how beautiful this is, charming characters --ar 16:9 --niji 5 |
《花木兰》动画定格画面 |
portrait of Hua Mulan from Chainsaw Man in middle of fireAnimatebelieve how beautiful this is,--ar 16:9 --niji 6
A digital art piece depicts an Asian woman in chinese tradition martial arts attire. She has dark gray hair tied back with one visible ponytail on the side, she holds a chinese style glowing sword, She strikes dynamic poses against a backdrop featuring elements like traditional Chinese architecture or misty landscapes. The scene includes red moon lighting effects that add to its dramatic effect. Her appears to be black with pink accents. Smoke around her feet adds depth to the composition. The piece is in the style of traditional East Asian martial arts illustrations. --v 6.0 --ar 16:9 |
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团队成员和角色说明 |
8、图片输出 Version 2
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16-01 |
the Chinese army and Gasier's hussars fight in medieval China, with soldiers fighting on horseback, smoke filled, flags waving high above their heads, flames burning behind them, battle scenes full of tension. in style of ink bursh, historical atmosphere, strong contrast between light and dark, bright colors, and dynamic movements, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue. --ar 16:9 |
16-02 |
The ancient Chinese city combining with the divine dragon was destroyed by war, with smoke filled dark clouds. Many people were fighting on both sides in front of them, surrounded by black walls and white towers. In the style ink bursh, war smoke filled the area and dark clouds covered the sky, as many people fought on both sides in front of them, surrounded by black walls and white towers. --ar 16:9 |
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东京城内一片生灵涂炭 |
The acient Chinese army battlefield, where soldiers and horses lay dead on the ground after battle, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue. --ar 16:9 |
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In the Han Dynasty, an ancient Chinese general held up his red flag and pointed it at many soldiers on horseback holding spears across from him in battle. In front of them was water with boatmen rowing boats to take people away. The background included mountains and rivers. The painting was done in the style of Watercolor Film. --ar 16:9 |
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A handdrawn map of the mountains and rivers in ancient China, with simple lines outlined on it, featuring small buildings scattered throughout in the style of Chinese style. There is an arrow mark drawn at one end to represent that there was some kind of secret place in these mountains. The background color features light blue tones. It's simple yet rich in details. This detailed map depicts various mountain peaks and water bodies clearly, showcasing their unique characteristics. --ar 16:9 |
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李清照流落温州期间 写下了著名的武陵春 |
https://s.mj.run/12rYmrPpOFg A woman from the Song Dynasty stood on a small boat in the middle of the river. There was a small island in the middle of the river, and ancient Chinese buildings were on both sides of the river. in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue, meticulous design. I can't believe how beautiful this is --ar 16:9
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同期也创作《夏日绝句》 文字PS处理 |
Drone perspective. A young woman from ancient China walks among many undulating scrolls covered with calligraphic characters. She is holding a long sword, wearing flowing silk Hanfu, and her long hair is fluttering in the wind. 3D rendering of a Chinese ink painting scene. light white and dark blue, From the top view, the scene is grand in scale. Clear light and shadow, subtle starlight floating in the sky, creating a dreamy and surreal atmosphere. The overall composition is very artistic and spatial. Gongbi, soft flow, historical painting, --ar 16:9 --s 250 --style raw --niji 6 |
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the Chinese army and Gasier's hussars fight in medieval China, with soldiers fighting on horseback, smoke filled, flags waving high above their heads, flames burning behind them, battle scenes full of tension. in style of ink bursh, historical atmosphere, strong contrast between light and dark, bright colors, and dynamic movements, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue. --ar 16:9 |
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精忠报国的岳飞 |
Chinese ancient style, a general wearing a red cape and helmet holding a long spear on horseback with a flag flying in the wind, a smoke filled sky background, in the style of an ink painting with strong contrast between light and dark and an exaggerated perspective composition, in the style of intricate and bizarre illustrations, monochrome ink, light white and dark blue. --ar 16:9 |
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抗金巾帼女英雄梁红玉等人 调色 |
1、Version 1 生成片段
Clip 01 汴京城郊
Clip 06 辋川别业处
Clip 12 王维沉思
Clip 16 赵明诚宅邸
2、Version 2 生成片段
Clip 16-01 金军进攻汴京
Clip 16-02 靖康之耻汴京城沦陷
Clip 22-01 抗金英雄岳飞
Clip 22-02 抗金巾帼英雄梁红玉
1、《AI 文化 AI传统之李清照》
2、《AI文化 宋韵瓯风之李清照》片段