
Jerry N.Uelsmann



杰里·尤斯曼(Jerry Uelsmann),1934年6月11日出生于美国,是一位著名的摄影师,被誉为“影像的魔术师”和“黑白的冶金者”。他在20世纪60年代开创了“成像后(再合成)”摄影技术,这种技术打破了传统摄影的美学,代表了从“照片”向“图像”概念的过渡。尤斯曼的作品以其超现实主义风格和深邃的情感表达而闻名,他的摄影作品通常是通过多张底片在暗房中手工合成,创造出独特的视觉效果 。


最佳提示词:Jerry N.Uelsmann , darkroom techniques

杰利·尤斯曼(Jerry Uelsmann)的艺术特点可以概括为以下几点:

  1. 超现实主义风格:尤斯曼的作品深受超现实主义运动的影响,他的照片常常展现出梦幻般的场景,通过将看似毫不相干的元素组合在一起,创造出超越现实的图像。
  2. 手工暗房技术:尽管现代技术使得图像编辑变得简单快捷,尤斯曼仍然坚持使用传统的暗房技术进行创作。他通过多底片合成、遮挡、局部曝光等技巧,在暗房中手工制作照片,这种技术要求极高的精确度和创意。
  3. 复杂的图像合成:尤斯曼的作品以其复杂的图像合成而著称。他能够将多张底片上的不同元素完美地融合在一起,创造出既真实又虚幻的视觉效果。
  4. 深刻主题探索:尤斯曼的作品不仅仅是视觉上的震撼,他还常常探讨人类情感、梦境、记忆和哲学思考等深刻主题,这使得他的作品具有丰富的内涵和引人深思的特质。
  5. 黑白摄影的精湛运用:尤斯曼的大部分作品都是黑白摄影,他对光影、对比度和纹理的掌握达到了极高的水平,使得他的黑白作品具有独特的魅力和深度。
  6. 对自然的深刻感悟:尤斯曼的作品中常常出现自然元素,如树木、岩石、水体等,这些元素不仅是他创作的素材,也反映了他对自然界的深刻感悟和尊重。
  7. 持续的创新和实验:尤斯曼的艺术生涯中,他不断地探索新的技术和方法,尝试不同的创作途径,这种持续的创新和实验精神是他在摄影艺术领域保持领先地位的重要因素。

Midjourney V6 出图

Jerry N.Uelsmann

Jerry N. Uelsmann, The Moon and the Sun

Jerry N.Uelsmann, Calm Lake, Salvador Dali

niji 6 出图

Jerry N.Uelsmann

Jerry N. Uelsmann, The Moon and the Sun

Jerry N.Uelsmann, Calm Lake, Salvador Dali --niji 6


二金 作品

Pikachu N.Uelsmann

安与 作品

Jerry Uelsmann's surreal style, Pikachu wears a spacesuit with oil painting texture, the surface of the spacesuit reflects starlight, and the lightning on his cheeks flashes in space. The background is a deep universe, and galaxy vortices and nebulae form a fantastic scene. Using layer painting and stippling, the depth and rich color levels of oil painting are simulated to create a real and dreamy space scene.

Jerry Uelsmann's surrealist style, a meticulous photographic work, shows a human body skillfully composed of countless grains of rice. The texture and arrangement of rice grains create the visual effect of skin, while maintaining the unique dream and surrealism in Uelsmann's works. The human body presents a translucent state in soft light, and the surrounding environment is blurred to highlight the main body. The whole work is presented in black and white tones, emphasizing the contrast between light and shadow and the level of detail. --ar 16:9

Joey 作品

A wide-angle view, in the style of realistic photography, depicts a man standing before a towering tree, cradling his own heart, from which crimson liquid trickles down. The atmosphere is one of profound loneliness and suppression, reminiscent of the cinematic style of Akira Kurosawa and the surrealistic photography of Jerry Uelsmann. high quality high detail --ar 1:1 --style raw --stylize 500

A wide-angle, realistic photograph captures the scene from outside a window, where a Chinese woman in a qipao stands inside, holding a cigarette. The atmosphere is mysterious and cool, with a hint of detachment. Jerry Uelsmann's photography:3, the cinematic style of Wong Kar-wai:1,adding an extra layer of depth and intrigue to the scene.the period of the Republic of China.high detail,high definition --ar 16:9 --style raw --stylize 500 --v 6.0

龙小明 作品

Jerry Uelsmann, high fantasy concept art of a benevolent tree spirit covered in leaves, flowers and moss, standing in a dynamic pose in a forest, with a small bird standing on his finger

Jerry Uelsmann, A Husky and a human skull are laughing at each other

A skeletal rock musician, holding a skeletal guitar, is laughing wildly on stage, in a pointillistic art style , Jerry Uelsmann

In a city street lined with skyscrapers, a skeleton dressed in a trench coat moves hurriedly along the street. A slow shutter captures its shadow along with the shadows of the surrounding pedestrians and traffic, all within a surrealistic scene with the ultimate interplay of light and shadow.

Jerry Uelsmann, A city street and skyscrapers where skeletal people and skeletal vehicles hustle and bustle, with a slow shutter capturing the shadows of people and vehicles. Surrealistic. Ultimate interplay of light and shadow.

OceanYoung 作品

library brimming with books. A large staircase spirals upwards in the center of the scene to reach a bright moon. The light emitted from the moon radiates through the windows and illuminates the entire library. A Chinese woman sits atop the moon, adorned in a traditional phoenix crown and bridal veil, overlooking this world of reading --ar 16:9 --v 6.0 --s

Jerry Uelsmann's style, On a beach, a four-dimensional cube, a Tesseract, floats silently in the air. A cute cat sits quietly inside the Tesseract, intently watching the rising sun. Its shadow is reflected on the sea surface and also on the facets of the Tesseract, a cube transcending time and space, bringing surrealistic visual impact --ar 16:9 --v 6.0

ya.. 作品

卡西米 作品

Jerry N. Uelsmann, A surreal digital artwork depicting the sky and clouds morphing into human faces. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Jerry N. Uelsmann, black and white, high contrast, fantasy landscape, clouds with waterfalls falling from the sky, gears in foreground floating around each other, birds flying through the air, black background, hyper realistic, detailed, dreamy, magical --ar 9:16 --niji 6

Jerry N.Uelsmann,A girl in a black lace tutu is dancing ballet --ar 16:9 --s 300 --niji 6

Jerry N. Uelsmann,An oil painting of Cupid, depicted in rich, warm colors, hovering over a serene, flying in the center of a bustling, monochrome cityscape. His wings flutter as he aims his bow and arrow, all rendered in greyscale, contrasting with the colorful Cupid --ar 9:16 --v 6.0

禾田 作品

Jerry N. Uelsmann,boys'love

萝卜味儿砒霜 作品

Jerry N. Uelsmann-inspired surrealist photography,man in a suit stands at the top of a crowd, in black and white, his back is facing the camera, a church building above him surrounded by clouds, in the style of surrealism, with high contrast, against a dark background, in a photorealistic, fantasy style.

surreal black-and-white photography, Jerry N. Uelsmann-inspired, featuring Penrose stairs, Maurits C. Escher style, white doves flying around, dreamlike and surreal atmosphere, heavy use of shadows, high contrast, strong visual illusions, intricate and complex structures, otherworldly and abstract design, blending reality and fantasy.

jerry or宇锋 作品

Jerry N.Uelsmann,double exposure shot,at the horizontal golden ratio section of the image is the silhouette of a cat's face, filled with numerous planets,the remainder of the image depicts several planets being drawn into a black hole, with a halo surrounding the planets.--ar 16:9

Jerry N.Uelsmann,Right in the center of the image, a bridge stretches straight ahead, flanked by river water on both sides, and at the end of the bridge is a giant cat with its mouth wide open.

龙啊龙行龘龘 作品

Mr.Wang 作品

surrealism, Jerry Uelsmann, dreamlike photomontage, juxtaposition of disparate elements, high contrast black and white, long exposure + motion blur, intricate textures + mystical symbols, dramatic chiaroscuro lighting, wide angle lens + deep depth of field, uncanny atmosphere + psychological tension, Ilford HP5 film + darkroom techniques

雪 作品

Jerry N.Uelsmann style, minimalist holographic background, smooth forms, shapeless, studio lighting --ar 9:16 --s 250 --v 6.0

Jerry N.Uelsmann style, Minimalist style fashion photography for fashion magazine cover, studio lighting, High-resolution photography, using Lomography color negative F476/30 film in Hasselblad X2D 100C style to capture ultra-realistic photos with grainy textures. --ar 95:128 --v 6.0 --s 250

surrealism, Jerry elsmann + Man Ray, impossible dreamscape, multiple exposure + image manipulation, ethereal light and shadow, distorted human figures + symbolic objects, silver gelatin print texture, analog photography look, haunting atmosphere + subconscious metaphor,

4K resolution + cinematic mood

surrealism, Jerry Uelsmann + Philippe Halsman, mind-bending photomontage, gravity-defying composition + forced perspective, chiaroscuro lighting + high contrast, floating objects + disembodied limbs, meticulous darkroom techniques, large format film + shallow depth of field, unsettling mood + Jungian archetypes, 8K

resolution + hyper-realistic details

surrealism, Jerry Uelsmann + Rene Magritte, paradoxical juxtaposition, double exposure + solarization, soft directional light + deep shadows, everyday objects in unexpected contexts, analog photo manipulation, wide-angle distortion + tilt-shift effect, thought-provoking metaphors + optical illusions, 16K resolution + large format print

surrealism, Jerry Uelsmann + Salvador Dali, dream sequence montage, multiple exposure + dodging and burning, chiaroscuro lighting + high contrast, symbolic juxtaposition + visual puns, silver gelatin print + sepia toning, fisheye lens distortion + motion blur, Freudian symbolism + uncanny valley, 32K resolution + museum-grade printing

度 作品

林窗鲸落 作品

王卓圻 作品

摸摸根本学不完 作品

猪猪好运来 作品

Surrealism, the confusion of reality and illusion, imagine yourself floating in the air, the gray and low-saturation blue of the picture merge together, the picture has an uneasy sense of weightlessness and tilt, the picture style comes from Jerry N. Uelsmann

Surrealism, imagining yourself splitting into another body shadow, the interweaving of reality and fantasy, the strong contrast between objects and projections, the picture is dreamy and blurred, the picture style comes from Jerry N. Uelsmann

DAI 作品

A surreal photorealistic image inspired by the works of Jerry N. Uelsmann. A large, old oak tree stands in the middle of an empty field at night. Its branches reach out like arms towards the sky, and its leaves shimmer in the moonlight. At the base of the trunk, a woman sits silently, her face obscured by shadows. She appears to be one with the tree, a part of the natural world. The overall mood is serene and mysterious, inviting the viewer to wonder about the deeper meaning of the image. --ar 16:9 --style raw

淅吾 作品

Jerry N. Ullsmann's style, looking up at the camera, the ceiling window shattering, the huge moon falling down, surreal, the picture dreamlike, the tone black and white