







Udio得到了 a16z、will.i.am、Common、Tay Keith、Steve Stoute 的 UnitedMasters、Mike Krieger(Instagram 联合创始人兼首席技术官)、Kevin Wall、a16z 文化领导力基金和 Oriol Vinyals(Gemini 联合领导者)的支持等等。



Create your first song 创作你的第一首歌曲

To get started, just type a description of a song you’d like to create. For best results, use descriptive genres, descriptors, and moods.


Use artist styles 使用艺术家风格

We do not generate songs using artists' voice, but you can use artist styles to describe music and we will replace the artist reference with relevant genre tags.


Write your own lyrics 自己写歌词

To write your own lyrics, simply add text to the custom lyrics tab in the prompt dropdown. To spice up your creations, try adding descriptors like [Chorus], [Hook], [Verse], [Sax Solo], or [Drop] in the lyrics box. You can also specify backing vocals by using parentheses. For more tips, view our FAQ!

要编写您自己的歌词,只需将文本添加到提示下拉列表中的自定义歌词选项卡即可。要为您的创作增添趣味,请尝试在歌词框中添加 [Chorus]、[Hook]、[Verse]、[Sax Solo] 或 [Drop] 等描述符。您还可以使用括号指定和声。如需更多提示,请查看我们的常见问题解答!


Udio 的几种模式说明

  1. Custom Mode (自定义模式):

在自定义模式下,用户可以直接输入详细的歌词、结构指令(如[Verse], [Chorus]等),以及具体的音乐风格和元素标签。这种模式允许用户精细控制音乐的创作过程,适合那些希望对歌曲的每个部分进行详细设定的创作者。

  1. Instrumental Mode (纯乐器模式):


  1. Auto-generated (自动生成):


  1. Manual Mode (手动模式):


  1. Extension Mode (扩展模式):


  1. Remix Mode (混音模式):




The Be Sharps - Baby On Board, Barbershop

Prompt: Barbershop, rhythmic, happy, melodic, playful, vocal group, warm, 1950s

Barbershop, Rhythmic, Happy, Melodic, Playful, Vocal group, Warm, 1950s



Baby on board, how I've adored,

That sign on my car's window pane,

The bounce in my step, loaded with pep,

Cause I'm driving in the carpool lane.


Call me a square, friend I don't care

That little yellow sign can't be ignored

hmmmmm hmmmm hmmmmm


I'm telling you it's mighty nice,

each trip's a trip to paradise,

With my baby,

On board.


Adrenaline Rush

Prompt: Female vocalist, Melancholic, Melodic, Energetic, Atmospheric, Suspenseful, Rhythmic, Romantic, Electronic, Poetic, Passionate, Dense, Hypnotic, Bittersweet, Existential, Introspective, Mechanical, Epic, Ethereal, Love, Dark, Longing



Gone the days of old and pattern

New horizons, bright and scatter

I'm changing, shifting

It only stings sometimes


I leap to the changes and grow

I leap to the changes and grow



UDIO(Let The Groove Be Your Guide)

Prompt: Atmospheric, Atmospheric, Atmospheric, instrumental, strings, synthesizer, Pop soul, Contemporary r&b, Male vocalist, Party, Happy, Love, Energetic, Warm, Rhythmic, Passionate, Lush, Nocturnal, Hedonistic, Romantic, Uplifting, Melodic, Sensual, Playful, Optimistic


[voice 1, spoken]

Guess we need some kinda introduction

[voice 2, spoken]

oh yeah.

[voice 1]


1, 2, 3, Hit It!





Perfect prompts to start your session

Hit the keys 'til it feels just right, (aww yeah)

For this track, the tags a-flowin'

Type 'em in, samples outta-sight (woah-oh-ohh)


UDIO! (ohhh-oh-ohhh)

UDIO! (ohhh-my-myy)


So our songs have got ya movin' (uh-huh!)

Feet a-tappin', can't deny the groovin' (woah yeah)

Feels so good, gotta rewind it back,

C'mon baby, you better extend that track (woah-oh-ohhhh)


UDIO! (ohhh-oh-ohhh)


Varying tracks like there's no tomorrow,

Looking all over the site, searching for tags to borrow. (woah-ohhh)

Ohhhh yeah, finally got that groovy guitar part,

Finish off this banger with the greatest cover art. ohhhhhh-woah-oh-ohhhhh


UDIO (ohhhh-oh-ohhhhh)


UDIO! (ohhh-oh-ohhh)

UDIO! (ohhh-my-myy)



The track's all done so we hit publish,

See the likes come flowin' in. (aww yeah)

Ohh now baby they can't deny it, (oh-no-no)

AI music better than it's ever been! (woah-oh-ohh)


UDIO! (ohhh-oh-ohhh)

UDIO! (ohhh-my-myy)


UDIO! (ohhh-oh-ohhh)

UDIO! (Let's fucking gooooo)

UDIO! (ohhh-oh-ohhh-ohhh)

UDIO! (ohhh-my-myy-woah)

UDIO! (Let's go baby-ohhhh)

UDIO! (ohhh-my-myy)


Highway Lasts

Prompt: Country Pop, Contemporary Country Tropical Rock, Country Rock, mellow, longing, sentimental, summer, love, bittersweet, male vocalist, melancholic, lush Lyrics


Carolina, five foot five

Bright blue hair and big brown eyes

Sleepin neath the neon signs

Of some old two street town tonight

We don’t need to talk things through

Or you can cry the whole way too

Whatever feels alright to you

Cause you got baggage, I got

room [drop]


Singing Carolina oh

It’s a long and winding road

Ou but if you’re ever lonely

You don’t have to ride alone

Sayin Carolina child

You been walkin now for miles

Put your head down on my shoulder


Let me drive ya

For a while


I been down the road before

You seen trouble, I seen more

I burned the bridge, I closed the door

Yeah I been rich and I been poor

So we don’t have to go too fast

Lemme make this highway last

Don’t need time, we don’t need cash

Just let them city lights go past








<Syncopated Horizons>

Prompt: Intricate, energetic math rock with syncopated rhythms, complex melodies, and a vibrant, emotive Japanese twist.

Male vocalist, Rock, Progressive rock, Progressive, Art rock, Complex, Eclectic, Uncommon time signatures, Energetic, Technical, Avant-garde, Rhythmic, Anxious, Manic


Catch my breath in syncopated beats


[Guitar Solo]

[Bridge: Vibrant shouts]

どこへ落ち着くの? Hey

この複雑なリズムに Yeah-eah


I only feel the pulse running high

挑戦的な目をして (With challenging eyes)

見つめ合いながら (Locking our gazes)

繋ぎ合うメロディー (Connecting melodies)

さあ、飛び込もうぜ (Yeah, let's dive in)

[Chorus: Harmony]

もっと早く、高く (Faster, higher)

この感覚に乗せて (Riding on this sensation)

Break the silence, 幾何学模様 (geometric patterns)

跳ねるシンコペーション (Bouncing syncopation)

哀れみより情熱を (Passion over pity)

この手で掴み取れ (Grab it with your hands)

[Guitar & Drum Breakdown]

[Vocal Harmonization Bridge]

未知の世界描く (Drawing an unknown world)

君と創る景色 (Sceneries crafted with you)

We Are Code Warrior,Hard Rock,Author D.Yang

Find BUG, Children's music, Author D.Yang


Find Bug, Find Bug

Chasing down bugs right from the start

Can you fix them? Can you fix them?

No, they’re hidden deep in the dark

Find Bug, Find Bug

With a stack trace to guide the way

What’s it showing? What’s it showing?

"Null pointer at line thirty-eight!"


90's Melody Queen Prompt: r&b/pop, Rhythmic soothe,r&b/swing,Jazz Pop, R&b, Rhythmic, Jazz, Ballad, Soul



[Chorus: Smooth like]

Got me feeling your rhythm, you're the melody

Caught up in the vibe so sweet, it's where I wanna be

Smoothing out my heart, you do it effortlessly

R&B queen, urban soul, you got that 90's heat