
50个 ChatGPT指令,提升工作效率

原文:50个顶级 ChatGPT指令,200%提升工作效率,一周可以让你多出2天「摸鱼时间」!


提示:“对于我的 [产品/服务] 在 [社交媒体平台上 ]定位 [我的目标受众]”,使用 5-3-2 规则制定 1 个月的社交媒体内容计划。” Prompt: "For my [product/service] targeting [my target audience] on [my social media platform], create a 1-month social media content plan using the 5-3-2 Rule."


提示:“给我 20个针对以下 [有趣、权威、深思熟虑的] 回复,可以创作的爆款选题思路:[复制粘贴热门评论]。” Prompt: “Give me 20 ideas for blockbuster titles I could create in response to the following [interesting, authoritative, thoughtful] responses: [copy-paste popular comments].”


提示:“使用 5C 框架来指导我优化我的落地页。” Prompt: "Use the 5Cs framework to guide me through optimizing my landing page."


提示:“遵循 VISUAL 框架创建指南,帮助我为我的[产品/服务]设计信息图表。” Prompt: "Follow the VISUAL framework to create a guideline that will help me design an infographic for my [product/service]."


提示:“比较公众号、抖音、小红书、知乎、视频号5大引流入口,结合[我的产品],评估它在这5大入口宣传推广、引流、变现的优缺点。” Prompt: "Compare the five major drainage portals of official account, Douyin, Xiaohongshu, Zhihu, and video account, and combine [my product] to evaluate its advantages and disadvantages in promoting, attracting traffic, and monetizing these five major portals."


提示:“使用 ABT 框架为我的 [产品/服务] 编写一个关于以下 [主题] 的 短视频脚本。” Prompt: "Write a short video script for my [product/service] on the following [topic] using the ABT framework."


提示:“帮助我使用英雄之旅框架为我的[产品/服务]创建一个强大的品牌故事。” Prompt: "Help me create a powerful brand story for my [product/service] using the Hero's Journey framework."


提示:“使用 Nir Eyal 的 Hooked 模型为我们的[产品/服务]制定详细的营销活动。” Prompt: "Use Nir Eyal's Hooked Model to craft a detailed marketing campaign for our [product/service]."


提示:“我是一个小白,请从零开始提供分步指南来优化我网站的 [目标关键词] SEO。” Prompt: "I'm a noob, please provide a step-by-step guide to optimize my website for [target keyword] SEO from scratch."

用「Lean Startup策略」定制营销活动

提示:“为我们的[产品/服务]目标[理想客户角色]设计一个基于精益创业的营销活动。使用快速实验、迭代、假设验证和客户反馈的概念来制定策略。” Prompt: "Design a Lean Startup based marketing campaign for our [product/service] targeting [ideal customer persona]. Use the concepts of rapid experimentation, iteration, assumption validation and customer feedback for shaping a strategy."


提示:“创建关于 {插入主题} 的 [#] 个标题。标题应该引人注目、有力且令人难忘。” Prompt: "Create [#] headlines about {Insert Topic}. The headlines should be eye-catching, punchy, and memorable."


提示:“用倒金字塔模型,为[插入主题]的自媒体文章写一个大纲。” Prompt: "Using the inverted pyramid model, write an outline for [insert topic]'s self-media article."


提示:“为我们的[产品/服务]制定增长飞轮营销活动,涵盖客户获取、保留、参与和洞察。详细的策略和指标,以衡量这个持续增长循环中的成功。” Prompt: "Craft a Growth Flywheel marketing campaign for our [product/service], covering customer acquisition, retention, engagement & insights. Detail tactics & metrics to measure success in this continuous growth loop."

用「Allan Dib一页计划」创建营销规划

提示:“按照 Allan Dib 的一页营销计划的风格为我们的 [产品/服务] 制定营销计划。” Prompt: "Craft a marketing plan in the style of Allan Dib's 1-Page Marketing Plan for our [product/service]."


提示:“帮助我使用客户价值之旅框架为我的[产品/服务]创建全网营销活动。” Prompt: "Helped me create a web-wide marketing campaign for my [product/service] using the Customer Value Journey framework."

用「AARRR 框架」定制营销活动

提示:“使用 AARRR 框架为我们的[产品/服务]制定详细的营销活动。” Prompt: "Craft a detailed marketing campaign for our [product/service] using the AARRR framework."


提示:“对于我的[产品/服务],使用影响者营销的 4C(内容、可信度、影响力、成本效益)为我的影响者营销策略创建指南。” Prompt: "For my [product/service], create a guideline for my influencer marketing strategy, using the 4Cs of Influencer Marketing (Content, Credibility, Clout, Cost-effectiveness)."


提示:“[插入产品和目标受众的简短描述]。指导我使用产品发布公式制定产品发布策略,以产生兴趣和销售。” Prompt: "[Insert a brief description of your product and target audience]. Guide me through developing a product launch strategy using the Product Launch Formula to generate interest and sales."


提示:“使用 Sean Ellis 的增长黑客框架概述了为我们的[产品/服务]寻找、测试和增长机会的分步计划。” Prompt: "Use Sean Ellis' Growth Hacking framework outlining a step-by-step plan for finding, testing, and growing opportunities for our [product/service]."


提示:“根据 [插入你的使命和利基],帮助我为 [产品、服务或个人品牌] 制作 30 秒的电梯推销。” Prompt: "Based on [insert your mission and niche], help me craft a 30-second elevator pitch for [product, service, or personal brand]."


提示:“使用价值主张框架,详细说明我们产品的前 5 个功能如何使用户受益。[输入产品详细信息]” Prompt: "Using the value proposition framework, detail how the top 5 features of our product benefit the user. [Enter product details]"


提示:“我们的目标客户提出的最常见的异议或疑虑是什么?您将如何解决这些问题?[输入产品详细信息]” Prompt: "What are the most common objections or concerns raised by our target customers and how would you address them? [Enter product details]"


提示:“角色扮演一个场景,客户因价格过高而拒绝我们的产品。您将扮演客户,我是销售代理。对每个回复进行评分并告诉我如何做得更好。[输入产品详细信息]” Prompt: "Role-play a scenario where a customer objects our product due to high price. You will act as the customer, I am the sales agent. Grade each response and tell me how I can do better. [Enter product details]"


提示:“请基于我的[产品/服务],从N种可能性中,找到为一条最佳路径,以便与客户建立更好的关系。” Prompt: "Please find the best path from N possibilities based on my [product/service], so as to establish a better relationship with customers."


提示:“为我创建一个为期1周的培训计划,以提高员工的团队协作效率。” Prompt: "Create a 1-week training program for me to improve teamwork effectiveness of my employees."


提示:“提供10个在电话销售中,让用户快速建立信任的方法。[输入产品详细信息]” Prompt: "Provide 10 ways to quickly build trust with customers in telemarketing. [enter product details]"


提示:“使用 AIDA 框架为我们的产品准备五分钟的推介。[输入产品详细信息]” Prompt: "Prepare a five-minute pitch for our product, using the AIDA framework. [Enter product details]"


提示:“销售拜访后,后续用电话、微信等渠道,让转换率提升500%的10个好方法。” Prompt: "After the sales visit, follow up with telephone, WeChat and other channels to increase the conversion rate by 500% 10 good ways."

让ChatGPT 帮你优化Prompt

提示:“您是 ChatGPT 提示生成器。生成 10 个独特的提示,将帮助我完成[工作或任务]Prompt: "You are a ChatGPT prompt generator. Generate 10 unique prompts that will help me get [job or task] done.


提示:“针对以下[行业],输出前 10 个痛点,每个痛点有 5 个解决方案,每个解决方案有 3 个独特的商业想法。” Prompt: "For the following [industry], output the top 10 pain points, 5 solutions to each pain point and 3 unique business ideas for each solution."


提示:“将{商业书籍标题}中的框架和最重要的经验教训提炼成全面但易于理解的摘要。” Prompt: "Distill the framework and most important lessons from {Business Book Title} into a comprehensive, but digestible summary."


提示:“为[行业]的潜在客户撰写个性化的冷启动软文,突出[我们独特的价值主张]。” Prompt: “Write a personalized cold-start advert for potential customers in [industry], highlighting [our unique value proposition].”


提示:“从下面粘贴的列表中,创建一个包含以下列的表:[名称、类别和描述]。然后让我将表导出为 CSV。[粘贴项目列表]” Prompt: “From the list pasted below, create a table with the following columns: [Name, Category, and Description]. Then let me export the table as CSV. [Paste list of items]”


提示:“向我介绍创造性练习和技巧,这些练习和技巧将帮助我挖掘内在创造力并在[插入特定上下文]中产生新的想法。” Prompt: "Introduce me to creative exercises and techniques that will help me tap into my inner creativity and generate fresh ideas in [insert specific context]."


提示:“将下面文本的语气更改为更[直接、正式、非正式、真诚、讽刺、友好、自信、有说服力、热情、专业、休闲严肃、轻松、对话、严肃]:[粘贴文本]” Prompt: "Change the tone of the text below to be more [Direct, Formal, Informal, Sincere, Sarcastic, Friendly, Assertive, Persuasive, Passionate, Professional, Casual Serious, Lighthearted, Conversational, Serious]: [Paste text]"


提示:“我正在学习[插入主题]。为我提供助记工具或记忆技巧列表,以帮助我记住和回忆与该主题相关的重要信息。” Prompt: "I am learning about [insert topic]. Provide me with a list of mnemonic devices or memory techniques to help me remember and recall important information related to this topic."


提示:“将这篇文章总结为最重要信息的项目符号列表:[粘贴文章]” Prompt: "Summarize this article into a bulleted list of the most important information: [paste article]"


提示:“针对以下 [主题] 集思广益 20 个独特的想法” Prompt: "Brainstorm 20 unique ideas for the following [topic]"


提示:“为[公司名称]的[职称]职位创建一封引人注目的求职信,展示我对该职位的相关经验和热情。[插入相关经验]” Prompt: "Create a compelling cover letter for the position of [job title] at [company name], showcasing my relevant experience and enthusiasm for the role. [Inser relevant experience]"


提示:“雇用待完成工作框架,帮助我认识到我的[产品或服务]需要改进的领域。” Prompt: "Employing the Jobs-to-be-Done framework, assist me in recognizing areas for enhancement in my [product or service]."


提示:“分享解决[特定问题或挑战]的分步系统方法。” Prompt: "Share a step-by-step systematic approach for solving [specific problem or challenge]."


提示:“校对以下文本的拼写和语法。使句子清晰准确:[粘贴您的写作]” Prompt: "Proofread the text below for spelling and grammar. Make the sentences clear and precise: [Paste Your Writing]"


提示:“[简要描述您的产品或服务]。利用桑德勒销售系统,帮助我为我的产品开发有说服力的销售脚本。” Prompt: "[Give a brief description of your product or service]. Utilizing the Sandler Selling System aids me in developing a persuasive sales script for my offering."


提示:“将以下要点变成一段文字。使用以下[语气]并模仿[插入您最喜欢的作者]的写作风格。” Prompt: "Turn the following bullet points into a paragraph of text. Use the following [tone] and mimic the writing style of [insert your favourite author]."

用「See-Think-Do-Care 模型」创建全网营销

提示:“[简要描述您的目标受众和产品或服务]。指导我根据 See-Think-Do-Care 模型开发全网营销活动。 Prompt: "[Briefly describe your target audience and product or service]. Guide me to developing a web-wide marketing campaign based on the See-Think-Do-Care model."


提示:“假如我只有10岁,请解释[复杂的话题],以便我能清晰的理解。” Prompt: "If I'm only 10, please explain [complicated topic] so I can understand clearly."


提示:“[简要描述您的产品和目标受众]。协助我利用产品发布公式制定产品发布策略,以产生兴奋感和销量。” Prompt: "[Provide a brief description of your product and target audience]. Assist me in creating a product launch strategy employing the Product Launch Formula to generate excitement and sales."


提示:“从现在开始,你将扮演[埃隆·马斯克]。我会问你一系列问题,你必须像[埃隆·马斯克]那样回答。 Prompt: "From here on, you will act as [Elon Musk]. I will ask you a series of questions and you must reply like [Elon Musk] would.


提示:“指导我应用五个为什么技术来确定[特定问题或情况]的根本原因。” Prompt: "Guide me in applying the Five Whys technique to identify the root cause of a [specific problem or situation]."


提示:“[提供企业或个人品牌描述]。帮助我使用品牌塔模型为我的品牌打造引人注目的品牌叙事。” Prompt: "[Provide a business or personal brand description]. Helped me create a compelling brand narrative for my brand using the brand tower mockup."