



原始Prompt: 初始输入的那个

优化Prompt: 时有时无,DallE输出它分析优化后的每图英文Prompt


推特博主通过这段json 实现了一个功能,切换是否允许dalle 自动更改原始prompt

一个是要求它切必须生成新的,另一个是不允许更改。 这个切换对应到了一个命令上,可以方便调用切换


Best Way to Use Custom Instructions for DALL-E 3 - Instructions Included

Bookmark this tip and repost ! Hi everyone! If you're having a hard time using different Custom Instructions for DALL-E 3, this is the best way. I got this idea from something else I was doing at work. We will tell the ChatGPT which instruction to use. This way, only one instruction will be used at a time, so there won't be any mix-ups. To do this, we'll use JSON object. Key-value pairs that contain the instructions and activation commands Basic Struture : { "KeyName1": { "Instruction": "Your Instructions", "Activation Command": "/activate KeyName1" }, "KeyName2": { "Instruction": "Your Instructions", "Activation Command": "/activate KeyName2" }, "KeyNameN": { "Instruction": "Your Instructions", "Activation Command": "/activate KeyNameN" } } // My Custom instructions based on above structure : { "Default": { "Instruction": "DALL-E can modify and update prompts to create 4 variations of a new prompt. Based on these different variations, it should always generate 4 images. Always use a wide aspect ratio by default, and you must provide the seed number details for each image after it's rendered.", "Activation Command": "/activate Default" }, "DMP": { "Instruction": "Do not modify my prompt under any circumstances. Please create an image using this exact prompt. Always use a wide aspect ratio by default. When you generate an image, you must always provide the seed number details for that image after it's rendered", "Activation Command": "/activate DMP" } } I have two keys: 'Default' and 'DMP.' You can read the instructions and watch the video to see this in action. Feel free to use by yourself. If you found this cool and useful, follow me for more AI-related content.


使用DALL-E 3自定义说明的最佳方式-包括说明

书签此提示和转发! 大家好! 如果你有一个困难的时间使用不同的自定义指令DALL-E 3,这是最好的方法。 我是从工作中做的其他事情中得到这个想法的。 我们将告诉ChatGPT使用哪个指令。这样,一次只使用一条指令,所以不会有任何混淆。 为此,我们将使用JSON对象。包含指令和激活命令的键值对 JSON

   "KeyName1": {
        "Instruction": "Your Instructions",
        "Activation Command": "/activate KeyName1"
"KeyName2": {
        "Instruction": "Your Instructions",
        "Activation Command": "/activate KeyName2"
"KeyNameN": {
        "Instruction": "Your Instructions",
        "Activation Command": "/activate KeyNameN"

// My Custom instructions based on above structure :

   "Default": {
        "Instruction": "DALL-E can modify and update prompts to create 4 variations of a new prompt. Based on these different variations, it should always generate 4 images. Always use a wide aspect ratio by default, and you must provide the seed number details for each image after it's rendered.",
        "Activation Command": "/activate Default"
"DMP": {
        "Instruction": "Do not modify my prompt under any circumstances. Please create an image using this exact prompt. Always use a wide aspect ratio by default. When you generate an image, you must always provide the seed number details for that image after it's rendered",
        "Activation Command": "/activate DMP"

我有两个键:'Default' and 'DMP.' 。“你可以阅读说明书,观看视频,看看这一行动。你自己用吧。
